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Langar Church of England Primary School

Break Time Snacks

At the start of the year I sent this message - 


Children in KS1 are provided with fruit and children under 5 with free milk as part of a government initiative. You can opt to pay for milk when they are over 5 if you wish and can do so via the office. 


We would like to encourage you to send children in KS2 in with a portion of fruit (including dried) or vegetables as a snack for break time. The morning can feel quite long to children in the wait for lunchtime and eating a snack ensures concentration levels remain high. These should be separate to lunch bags and boxes and be in school bags ready for break.


Yesterday it was observed that some children have started bringing crisps and cereal bars. These are not permitted and in the spirit of fairness they will be asked to put these away to enjoy after school. 

