School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Communication with Teachers

We pride ourselves on the positive relationships we have with parents and the benefits to children this brings. We welcome  conversations with you about your children and, in turn, hope that you appreciate the level of feedback you receive. Much of this is ad hoc when you collect your children or attend school events. However, when longer conversations are needed  phone calls and pre planned meetings are sometimes also necessary.


Since Covid it has been the norm to communicate via email. This can be really useful for passing on messages to teachers when you are unable to get to school to talk to them. However, these should not replace a conversation.


Teaching staff are finding it increasingly difficult to manage the amount of emails they are receiving from parents and the expectation of an instant and detailed response. A teachers day, on average, begins at 8.00am, if not before so that they can set up the learning for the day, their priority between 8.40 and 3.20 is your children and after children have gone home,  they are marking, planning and preparing for the following day. There is little time for reading and responding to emails.


I am asking staff not to enter into conversations via email and as this distracts from their priority of teaching children. You must therefore be aware, that you may have a delayed response to any emails sent and will not receive the level of detail you have become used to. I am certain you would support this as staff wellbeing ensures the wellbeing of your children. 


Please refer to the Communications Flow Chart to check you are emailing the right person ( for example - absences, illness lateness etc need to be sent the office only). Contact Details | Langar C of E Primary School
