School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Covid-19 Cases Update

Thank you for your kind words of support this morning. These are stressful and testing times. 


We have had 31 children absent from school; most of whom were being taken for PCR tests after displaying cold like symptoms and are now awaiting the results. Of those absent; seven children have a positive test result. These are children from classes 2,3 and 4. I do not want you to worry about this but to remind you to remain vigilant.


We do not want children being brought into school who are unwell - firstly because it is not good for them, their peers or the staff as the germs are spreading rapidly and taking longer to get rid of and secondly because we would ask you to take them for a PCR to rule out Covid. 


It is government expectation that home learning should be set for children who have tested positive for Covid but are asymptomatic and well enough to complete school work. We will set home learning for children in that situation. However, we will not set work for poorly children. If your child has had a positive test result but is asymptomatic and well in themselves, please get in touch if you would like work setting for the next four days. There is plenty for them to do through our website; including learning to learn homework and fluency facts plus many weblinks and resources. Home Learning | Langar C of E Primary School 


We send love to all the poorly children and staff - we are all thinking of you. 
