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Langar Church of England Primary School

E Safety and Acceptable Use of ICT

I have been reviewing some of our E-Safety and Acceptable Use of ICT documents following DFE updates and recent issues that have occurred, both in our school, locally and nationally.


The online world is both an exciting but scary place and you will have read stories in the news about how children can be living lives that are completely hidden from their families leading them to either criminal activity or becoming the victim of such. It is all too easy to take a 'it wouldn't happen to me' attitude, but training Mrs George has taken part in has demonstrated that this just isn't the case. 


Children have been taking part in online safety lessons in school and we are now reaching out for your support with this. Please take a look at the E-Safety and Acceptable Use of ICT policy Information Technology | Langar C of E Primary School ( I will be sending home Appendix 2 and 3 with children for you to read with them and sign to show your support and understanding. 


You will have seen in the news that the DFE has recommended the banning of the use of mobile phones in school by children. We have always had a policy that mobile phones and smart watches are not allowed in school for children because we could then have primary aged children making contact with people outside of school, or accessing the internet unsupervised whilst on our site. It is a safeguarding decision. 


Where a parent feels it is a necessity for their child to bring a mobile phone to school (e.g. because they walk to and from school independently and use it to communicate with a parent or carer), the device should be switched off and handed to the Head Teacher/class teacher/office as they enter the school/classroom in the morning. Phones/smart watches are then looked after throughout the school day and handed back to the child at home time. This is at the owner’s risk should something happen to the handed in device.


Under no circumstances should children have access to their phone/smart watch during the school day and devices are not to be left in pupils’ bags or coats. Where this policy is not followed, the device will be confiscated, and parents informed and requested to come into school to collect the item. An exception would be for medical purposes  eg diabetes app


Digital watches that only work as a step counter are absolutely fine – we know these can encourage children to be active. However, if a step-counting watch also has the ability to be used for photos and communication, we will ask children not to wear these or to hand them in to their teacher each day.


Apple air tags or equivalent should not be attached to pupils/belongings either in school, going on school trips or residential trips. This is safeguarding decision.


Tracking devices undoubtedly offer a layer of security, especially in crowded spaces such as festivals or Theme parks, however, it’s crucial not to misuse them for overbearing surveillance over children. Consideration should be given to create safe environments for children, as they explore their space. School trips and residentials are risk assessed and always supervised by experienced staff. Staff value your trust and support with offering your children these out of school experiences.


As always, I thank you for your support which is for the safety and welfare of your children. 
