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Langar Church of England Primary School

Hearts for Homes

Picture News are organising a lovely initiative that sits well with our school values. I will send home the heart template for you to return to school and we will send them out to local care homes.  


This Christmas time, we'd like to help share some joy following what has been a very difficult year for many. Inspired by Katrina Cole and the Year 1 children at Gee Cross Holy Trinity School who organised a special surprise for residents at their local care home, we're launching our #heartsforhomes campaign.


To take part: 

Read through the story written by Year 1 teacher Mrs Cole to find out more - this has been uploaded to the Picture News section of the website


Research where the care homes are in your local area and call or send an email to see if they'd like to receive some hearts from you!


Use your template heart to write or draw a joyful message for a resident.


Send or arrange a (socially distanced) delivery of the hearts.


Share your photos, stories and hearts with us! Using the hashtag #heartsforhomes on Facebook and Twitter and emailing us


The campaign will run between the 1st and 11th December


