School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Home Learning

Our staff are working very hard to gather together home learning plans and resources for children who are absent. As I am sure you can appreciate, planning for this as well as teaching the children who are still here is no mean feat!


By the end of the day children will be provided with an exercise book containing passwords they need for Purple Mash and Times Table Rock Stars - they can start accessing these as well as completing the activities I suggested this morning as soon as they like. By the end of the week, a timetable will be provided with suggested activities for children to undertake that are a mixture of subjects, topics as well as online and off. If you are currently self-isolating with your child then please arrange for someone to collect the resource and drop them through your letterbox.


We are no further forward with knowledge of school closures but feel this is the best approach to ensure children have access to education.
