School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
Home Page

Langar Church of England Primary School

Home Learning

We have always had a comprehensive home learning area on our website and will be adding more to this over the coming days for children who are in self-isolation. Please be patient and await tasks to be added and resources to be provided - teachers are still currently in classrooms planning and teaching for the children who are here.


* Take a look at our Picture News resource this week; enjoy discussing the topic as a family and respond using the uploaded sheets or create a response sheet of your own.

* Explore the website Bill Dargue created for us about the history of Langar - this is designed for children and has external links and ideas for activities. Make a fact sheet about your favourite time period or create a timeline of local events. * Practice your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.

* Complete as many tasks as you can from the Explore topic Learning to Learn homework.

* Immerse yourself in geography skills by following the link to BBC bitesize.


Don't forget you can do outdoor learning in your garden:

* Spend half an hour watching for birds and see if you can draw and identify them.

* Create an obstacle course and see how quickly you can go round it.

