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Langar Church of England Primary School

Leavers' Service and Picnic

We are really looking forward to our Leavers' Service on Friday which is for year 6 and their invited adults. The service will be held in church and starts at 2.00pm. There is capacity in church for each child to invite two adults. 


Although the government has publicised today as 'Freedom Day', as a school we are moving slowly and cautiously out of the arrangements we have in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The Church are taking the same stance. We are therefore asking you to follow certain measures if you attend. 


  • Each child can have two adults at the service
  • Sanitise hands on arrival at church and put on a face covering 
  • Sit in the seats provided which are set out in pairs and spaced from other pairs
  • Arrive five to ten minutes before the children arrive at 2.00pm and be seated on their arrival 
  • Remain seated throughout the service and until children exit the building at the end - you can then gather with your child outside in the church grounds 


After the service, we will take the children back to school and allow them time to sign each others shirts. During this time, you are invited to follow us back and set up your picnics on the field. Once you are ready we will bring the children out to you. Once school ends, siblings and staff will also join you.


There are no limits to the number of people you have your picnics, as we are viewing this as your private gathering hosted on school grounds. 
