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Langar Church of England Primary School

OFSTED Information Evening

Thank you so much for your honest and open communication with us following the publication of our OFSTED report. As we predicted, it was received with a mix of emotions from across the community.


The information evening on Tuesday was a wonderful opportunity to settle some of this emotion and to share with you our experiences of the inspection, the evidence that was used to draw the statements in the report, the views of the LA and the diocese and the plan moving forward. I have shared my power point on the website so that those who could not attend receive similar information Ofsted and Performance Data | Langar C of E Primary School ( The LA and the diocese spoke with confidence and positivity about our school, and it is certainly worth talking to other parents who were there to get these messages from the people who heard them. 


We will continue to keep your updated about the progress we are making towards our School Improvement Plan milestones (end goals) via the newsletter and the Head Teacher's Report to Governors (which will be published on the website). 


We ask you to continue to work in partnership with us and welcome your communication. If you have any personal worries or concerns about your child, please get in touch with their teacher. If you feel you still have unanswered questions that were not covered during the evening, or by the presentation on the website, please get in touch with me and I will do my best to address them. 


Thank you for your love, understanding and support.

