School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Personal Possessions

Thank you all so much for sending children in PE kits on PE days. This is working brilliantly as it means we have less items coming from home to school and visa versa plus there is no learning time wasted whilst children get changed. I have attached the time table to ensure you are clear about when your child's PE day is. 


Can you please ensure no other personal items are being sent into school with your children. Some children have been bringing in Lego cards and exchanging these at play times, this is not appropriate in the current climate and not an activity we encourage. 


We have numerous jumpers and cardigans being left in school. Many of these are unnamed. It is not appropriate for staff to touch children's belongings at this time - especially if they are not from their bubble, so please instil into your children a sense of responsibility for their possessions and make sure they are clearly labelled to encourage them to do so. 


This has been a very tough week for everyone with threats of further lockdowns and restrictions being putting in place. We are pleased to be able offer a sense of normality here and thank you for your co-operation in making sure this is possible. 
