School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Reports and September Planning

This week has been exceptionally busy. After receiving the guidance for reopening school fully in September I have been carrying out new risk assessments and starting to form yet another plan! This has taken place amongst preparing reports to be sent out at the end of the week, reviewing the school finances in readiness for governors and welcoming another house bubble into school. I apologise if this resulted in a radio silence for you; our families.




You will receive your child's report on Thursday, which will be sent home with them if they are currently in school. We are happy to post these to you if your child is not currently in school, however, if you are able to come and collect it from school, or arrange to have it brought back with another family, please give Mrs Whelan a ring as they are ready from today. We hope you find the reports insightful and useful and would love your feedback.


Reopening in September


You will have undoubtedly heard the news that schools are set to reopen fully in September. It is exciting to be able to bring our community back together but there are also challenges ahead and I have much to do in a very short time.  Further guidance for families should be ready by the end of the school year in time for our September return and will follow extensive risk assessments and logistical planning - please be patient while we undertake this work.



Key points about the reopening of schools


Here is a summary of the main points from the government guidance:

  • All pupils are expected to attend from September, including those currently shielding.  This is mandatory.
  • The opportunities for social distancing in school will be limited but should be taken when feasible.  
  • The school will be separated into bubbles, with minimal mixing with other groups in school.  
  • A broad and balanced curriculum will be offered to all children, although there are restrictions resulting from the reorganisation of the school and for practical activities in some subjects.
  • Hand hygiene routines will be in place and must be adhered to by all.
  • Enhanced cleaning (as is already in place) will be implemented focusing in shared areas and touch points.
  • School uniform will be worn from September.
  • Face coverings are not recommended on school sites .
  • We will consider staggering the school day to keep bubbles and large groups apart.
  • Equipment brought to and from school should be kept to a minimum and care must be taken when using any shared equipment in schools (appropriate cleaning or quarantining of items).
  • Children and staff must stay at home and following self-isolation rules if they are showing Covid-19 symptoms.  They should also be tested and the school must be informed of the outcome.
  • All members of school communities are expected to engage with the government' test and trace system.
  • Individual schools or bubbles within schools may be closed if confirmed Covid-19 cases occur.

To read the full guidance and the updated parent guide from the government please use the following links:


Guidance for Schools:


Parent Guide:


Keep Going!


At the start of your sixteenth week of having your children at home and life as you knew it feeling forever changed, you may be struggling. Please take heart - you are not alone. The engagement and support you have shown for home learning, your flexibility and willingness to trust in our plans, your communication with staff and openness, providing us with useful feedback has been greatly appreciated. We have so much to celebrate here and you have played a huge part in that.


*Keyworker provision was accessed by 15 children making the bubble full.

* 92% of children in reception, year 1 and year 6 returned to school

* Following the reopening for the recommended year groups we were able to widen this offer to all year groups resulting in 88% of the whole school population has been back to school this half term

* No Covid-19 cases have been reported amongst our children


The atmosphere in school is a happy one and buzzing with positivity. We look forward to adding to this in September and welcoming all your children, and our families back.  



