School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

School Jobs

Normally, by this point of the year, we have established routines, with children playing a huge part in the day to day running of the school. For many years now children have taken on jobs and duties through our application process and contribute to our community through the roles they undertake. 


These jobs are something else that Covid-19 has put an end to with children unable to mix across bubbles. 


We have considered the jobs and roles though that are able to continue and would like children to apply for them. Unfortunately the jobs that younger children took on have had to be stopped though I know they are playing important roles in their own classrooms.


Please have a look at the four jobs we have available and talk to your children about the role they would like to apply for and the one their skills would suit best. They will be sent home with an application form today which needs to be returned by Friday this week in order for them to be considered. 


Job Title

Job Description

Skills Required

Age Range

Frequency of duties

School Ambassadors

To plan, make and distribute  promotional material, including a video tour

Have good understanding of how our school works.

Good communicator.

Key Stage 2

Half termly meetings and as necessary

School Council Reps

To liaise between their peers and the rest of the school.

Drive school improvement


Good listener





Good communicator

Key Stage 2

Half termly meetings and as necessary

House Captains

Lead houses on sports day and during other whole school events.

Run playground activities.

Model the values.

Have excellent learning to learn skills.

Strong leader.


Year 6


Inspire Plus Bronze Sports Ambassadors

Promote the positive values of sport

Be a role model and champion for PE and school sport

Increase participation opportunities and healthy lifestyles for everyone

Well organised

Be passionate about sport


A good role model

Demonstrate the school values through sport

Year 5 and 6



