School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Sports Afternoon

During the afternoon of Friday 12th May we will be holding our sports afternoon. I have reflected on feedback from parents, staff and children from last year and have kept the successful parts and tweaked others! We warmly welcome you, and any other family members who wish to attend. 


KS1 activities will take place at 1.00pm – 2.00pm - these will take the form of a carousel of activities and tasks that the year 5 children will supervise. You can follow your child around the course to encourage and cheer them on. 


KS2 sports will be from 2.00pm until 3.00pm. Children will sign up to the races, activities and tasks they would like to take part in to earn house points for their team. These will take place on the running track. We will not be putting out seating so encourage you to bring a seat or deck chair. 


You are welcome, to come and support the children for as much or as little of the event as you wish. Entry at 1.00 and 2.00, will be via the main green gate which will then be locked for the duration of the event for the safety of your children. 


Once the events have been completed, the children will be taken back to their classes in order to gather their belongings. Once this has happened, if you have attended Sports Afternoon, you can collect your child from the same place as usual. If you have only attended the KS1 event you will be permitted to take your children when their event finishes to save you from having to go home and come back again.



Would any of our Friends be prepared to provide refreshments? Tea, coffee, cake? These proved very popular last year and made it a really social event. 


If you are able to help, please drop me an email -
