School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Track and Trace

We are doubtless going to have children and staff who display symptoms of possible Covid-19 as we bring staff and children back together as well entering into the autumn season of coughs and colds. There is some confusion over who is then affected this. Please refer to the flow chart I have created to get a good understanding of this.



You can also play your part in this process. The number of people who need to engage in the Track and Trace procedure is greatly reduced if you keep your social contact to a minimum. Contacts only need to be traced if you have been under 2m away from them and for longer than a 15 minute period. The Nottinghamshire Director for Public Health has implored parents to adhere to guidance about entering and leaving school sites swiftly. We have been impressed with the way in which you have followed these new rules and would remind you not to congregate at the gate when arriving for your time slot - either staying in your car until the gates are opened or simply setting out later from home. 


We thank you, again, for your continued co-operation.
