School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Welcome to the Summer Term

I hope you all had a restful Easter break. Welcome to our very first remote summer term!


We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working, so I wanted to take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this time.


It’s definitely been a strange and challenging time, so it’s OK if you and your child feel wobbly and worried at the moment. We’re here for you every step of the way as we figure this all out together. Remember, if you have any concerns about helping your child learn or you need any other support from the school, please let us know by emailing your child’s teacher via the class emails,, and or to get in touch with me about queries and concerns outside of learning phone the office during school hours on Mondays or send an email to and I will get in touch.


We miss the children very much, but we must follow the government’s guidance to keep everyone in our community safe. We are continuing to provide childcare for key workers in conjunction with our friends at Cropwell Bishop and we are supporting the provision offered by The Early Years Learning Alliance for pre-school children of Key Workers. Learning and fun will not stop with the closure of the school building and our community will be pulled together through the shared learning experiences we have planned for your children. Weekly time tables will be uploaded to class pages, continuing to be a balance of on and off line activities, as well as any resources needed. I will also continue to update the website with virtual trips, Picture News, collective worship plans, useful links and competitions – so make sure you read your app notifications to find out about these.  We also love seeing, and reading about the children’s fantastic off line learning at home.   Please keep sending their work in via class emails as we would like to showcase it on class pages on our virtual display boards.


Staff are able to monitor the children’s engagement on Purple Mash and Times Table Rock Stars providing a good insight into, not only the learning taking place, but also children’s well-being and a weekly email from you adds a wider picture to this. To ensure we are fulfilling our duty of care to your children staff are keeping a log of engagement in the work we have set, both through on line platforms and your weekly emails. If they have not seen engagement from your child for a week an email will be sent to check in with you and if no response if given, you will receive a phone call to ensure there is no underlying issue.


There is much speculation, but as yet we do not know when we’ll be able to open the school fully, but rest assured that we’ll continue doing our utmost to keep your child learning and our school community connected.
