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Langar Church of England Primary School

What a Week!

What a wonderfully busy week we have had here.


The concert and open afternoon on Monday was a huge success with a mixture of tears and smiles in the audience. Mr Swallow our Chair of Governors reported, 


There were performances from all the classes, as well as lots of children who have taken an interest in music and are now starting to play instruments, as well as some undoubted stars who have been performing over the years.


What was noticeable was that all children came up to perform with very little obvious sign of nerves or anxiety about playing. The school has clearly created an environment where all who want to are confident of stepping up and performing in front of an audience of approximately 35 parents/carers and/or other family members.


Children seemed proud to show what they could do and gladly took their bow or applause after completing their piece.


What was particularly impressive, and quite emotional for some in the audience, was the participation of many of the children in our school community who have additional needs who's stories were shared as part of Respect Week the previous week.


Respect Week has had a hugely positive impact on the school who have a new found admiration and understanding for some of the challenges others are facing. There is a tolerance and respect for all and the empathy we hoped to ignite has been seen in several situations this week. One parent told me how much it has changed her perception of fairness and how she had talked to her child about equality versus equity.


On Tuesday class 4 presented their learning from DART to their parents as they graduated from the course. This teaches lessons for life as they get ready for secondary school about peer pressure and drug and alcohol awareness.


Today class 1 are at the seaside! Staff have been very jealous when photos came through of a fish and chip lunch and sand castles on the beach. We can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow.


* We didn't take any photos of the concert as staff were too engrossed in the performances. If anyone has any, could you please email them to *


