School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Wider Reopening Further Information

We are exceptionally proud of the fact we have fulfilled the government ambition to return all children before the end of the summer term. This is no small undertaking. We are still hearing about local schools who have capped provision to only KS1; others who have allowed children back on a first come first served basis meaning some children have not been allocated a place; some who are still only open to key workers and others who aren't opening until next week. We do hope that by widening our invitation to all year groups demonstrates the love we have for your children and the fair way in which we have tried to carry out the planning.


Having more children onsite means it is vitally important that the measures in place to ensure social distancing between adults and children are adhered to.


  • Please arrive in your allocated time slot and leave the site promptly.
  • Use the one way system in and out of school.
  • Be careful when exiting through the car park, keeping your children next to you at all times. Several children have been observed playing in the vegetable garden. This is not permitted, please stop them from doing so. 


Mrs Selby is going to start serving dinners from Monday 22nd June.


  • Children who have now been with us for a week or more will now be provided with a school dinner if this is their usual arrangement. Please ensure your Squid account is in credit.
  • The children in house groups need to bring a packed lunch for the week they are in.


If you have any items at home that belong to school, please send these in when your children come in. This includes books, cups and trophies etc. Likewise, if your child has belongings at school, pop in and collect them. 


We are really looking forward to seeing you and the children and hope this brings some semblance of normality to these very strange times. 
