Welcome to Reception and Year 1
This is DJ and Nibbles, our Class guinea pigs.
Please remember to look in the newsletter section below for our Class 1 weekly update, look in the Spring term photos see what we have been doing, and check your child's Tapestry account to see any work that has been uploaded.
(please note Tapestry details have not been emailed to you yet)
Please remember to pay for your child's milk if they wish to have it and are 5 and older.
Dates for your diary -
29th January - celebrating Chinese New Year
Our Teaching Staff:
Mrs Richardson (Class Teacher - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
Mrs Petchell (HLTA - full time in Class 1)
Mr Hall (TA - supporting Mrs Petchell on Tuesday)
Important Information:
Please ensure all uniform, coats and shoes are labelled.
Please ensure your child brings their water bottle, reading folder and school book bag to school daily.
P.E. is every Wednesday afternoon with our PE Teacher Mr Maregane supported by Mrs Petchell.
Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit.
On a Wednesday afternoon it is Mrs Richardson's PPA time. During this time the children will have PSHE with Mrs George and Mrs Petchell and PE.
On a Tuesday Mrs Richardson does not teach as it is her Leadership time due to her role as Assistant Head Teacher and SENCO. Mrs Petchell will be teaching supported by Mr Hall. Please notes work is planned by Mrs Richardson.
It can be tricky trying to find time to talk with teachers at an appropriate moment, especially when the matter is sensitive. The morning is a pressure point, as they are busy settling and teaching their class, and at home time you often have an audience of children and other parents!
It is best to make an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher about anything substantial, send in a written note, email, or speak to the staff member on door duty for minor messages.
Class 1 - Mrs Richardson – joannerichardson1@langar.notts.sch.uk
Please look at our Long Term Plan below to find out what your child will be learning during their time in Reception. The themes and ideas are starting points for the children’s learning. Where possible, we will plan activities based on the children’s interests and in response to our assessments and observations.
Your child will bring home a reading book weekly that is matched to the phonic sounds taught in class that week. Please listen to your child read their book 3 times a week and write in their reading diary when they have read to you. When we change their book, we will award a sticker for every time they have read at home to put on their bookmark. When they have a full bookmark, they will be awarded a certificate for super reading.
Useful information and links for Parents / Carers: