School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Class 1

Welcome to Reception and Year 1


Nibbles and DJ have enjoyed their half term holiday at Mrs Richardson’s house.  They loved the sunshine and grass today!


Welcome back to summer term 2!


This half term is always a busy one with lots of whole school events happening, our class trip, and of course transition into the next Year group.  Mr Walker-Jones will be informing you soon of class structures and transition dates.

In preparation for new year groups, we will be changing the structure slightly of how we do our English and maths tasks for Year 1's.  So far, the children have experienced completing their tasks in small groups with an adult supporting them, however for this half term, all Year 1 children will sit at tables altogether to complete their task.  We are developing their independence and stamina ready for Year 2.  This will mean that their 'discover and do' time will be less, again preparing for their next learning journey, as the environment is different and we need to give them time to adjust to this.


Please remember to look in the newsletter section below for our Class 1 weekly updatelook in the summer term photos see what we have been doing, and check your child's Tapestry account to see any work that has been uploaded.



Dates for your diary -

3rd June - school re-opens.

10th June - Year 1 phonics check this week.

14th June 2.30pm  - Father's Day celebrations.  Please let us know if you can attend.

28th June- sun, sea, sand day! Come to school wearing your summer clothes. Bring spare clothes and a towel.

28th June - Class 1's sharing assembly - 9am in the school hall - we look forward to showing you what we have been learning about.

8th July - am whole school music concert / pm open afternoon

9th July - transition afternoon.  We are having a teddy bears picnic to welcome our new Reception children and their parents who are starting in September.  Please send your child with their teddy bear and a little snack in a lunch box.

15th July - end of year reports sent home.

17th July - trip to Skegness! Class 1 and parents via the train. (save the date, more information will be coming out soon)

26th July - last day of school.



Please remember to pay for your child's milk if they wish to have it and are 5 and older.

Our Teaching Staff:

Mrs Richardson (Class Teacher)

Mrs Petchell (HLTA)

Mrs Nicholson (cover Teacher on a Wednesday)


Important Information:


Please ensure all uniform, coats and shoes are labelled.


Please ensure your child brings their water bottle, reading folder and school rucksack to school daily.


P.E. is every Monday morning with our PE Teacher Mr Dhillon supported by Mrs Petchell.

Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit in school.


On a Monday morning it is Mrs Richardson's PPA time.  During this time the children will have speaking and listening time with Mrs Petchell, PSHE with Mrs George and PE with our new PE Teacher.


Wednesday afternoon - French taught by Mrs Lark with Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Petchell supporting.


On a Wednesday Mrs Richardson does not teach as it is her Leadership time due to her role as Assistant Head Teacher and SENCO.  Mrs Nicholson will be teaching.

It is always tricky trying to find time to talk with teachers at an appropriate moment, especially when the matter is sensitive.  The morning is a pressure point, as they are busy settling and teaching their class, and at home time you often have an audience of children and other parents!


It is best to make an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher about anything substantial, send an email for minor messages, or pass them on via the office or the staff member on door duty.


Class 1 - Mrs Richardson –



1th September 2023


Monday afternoons have a different feel with PSHE starting this academic year.


This week we talked about who our trusted adults are and why they are important at keeping us safe.    Children have drawn around the own hand and placed the names of the people "trusted" on it.   These will be made into displays in the classroom.


Next week we will start to explore Zones of Regulation which is a long term project to help children self regulate at times of heightened emotions.


Mrs George 


Look who has started school today!

We are very excited to announce the arrival of DJ and Nibbles.  They are 2 years old and are our new Class 1 pets.  We are very excited to have them and they will be loved by all the children in school.  

We have had a wonderful 3 days settling into class 1 and getting to know each other.

7th September 2023- our new Reception children were super stars today! We thought about our family and drew pictures of who we live with.

6th September 2023- it was so lovey to welcome our Year1s back. We had a great day and are so proud of them all on their first day!

Today we listened to this story as part of the focus for our school values.

5th September 2023 - Welcome back to class 1! We are ready to welcome our year 1 children tomorrow, and Reception children on Thursday.

Our day trip to Skegness 13.7.23 we are on the train!,,

We have had the best day out! Thank you to all our amazing parents for making our trip so successful with memories to cherish!

Year 1 meeting for September 2023

Please see the powerpoint for our Year 1 parent meeting that took place today (26th June)  For those of you who were unable to attend, if you have any questions, please contact me.

Please look at our Long Term Plan below to find out what your child will be learning during their time in Reception.  The themes and ideas are starting points for the children’s learning. Where possible, we will plan activities based on the children’s interests and in response to our assessments and observations.

Year Long Plan

In English we use the scheme Read to Write Foundations

In Maths we use 'Master the Curriculum' which follows White Rose scheme. 

In phonics we are following the Essesntial Letters and Sounds Teaching programme.

Your child will bring home a reading book weekly that is matched to the phonic sounds taught in class that week.  Please listen to your child read their book 4 times a week and write in their  reading diary when they have read to you. When we change their book, we will award a sticker for every time they have read at home to put on their bookmark.  When they have a full bookmark, they will be awarded a certificate for super reading. 

Useful information and links for Parents / Carers:

Children's Centre Booklet - some useful courses for parents with children aged 0-5

Letter Formation Powerpoint
