Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Your Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Walker-Jones, Mrs Richardson and Mrs George. Get in touch with any concerns.
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Summer Term Photographs

Summer term 2024

Week beginning 19.6.23

Week beginning 5.6.23 -worms and spiders

Week beginning 22.5.23

Week beginning 8.5.23

11.5.23 fun in the rain!

Week beginning 1.5.23 - King Charles III Coronation

5.5.23 Class 1 and 2’s Coronation Party.

Week beginning 24.4.23 - minibeasts

27.4.23 - visit from the Vale Hedgehogs.

28.4.23 saying “goodbye” to Mrs Sellars. Thank you for all your help. Happy retirement!

28.4.23 - Caitlin and Laurie’s lamb came to visit!

Week beginning 17.4.23
