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Langar Church of England Primary School


Pink level is the very first level of reading books which has words.
The number of words increases slightly as your child progresses through the reading level.


How to support your child reading Pink level books

Your child is beginning to learn to read. As they read, please help them to:
- Read the words carefully. Ask your child to sound out and blend only the words they can’t read yet, not every word. Eventually almost all words will become part of your child’s ‘sight memory’, and they won’t have to sound out at all.
- On second and third readings of the book, encourage them to read with more pace and with less focus on sounding out the letters in each word.
- Make a story out of a whole book, rather than focusing just on what is happening on each page.
- Tell you about something that happened in the book, or about something they found out in the book.
