School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Reception Starter Information

Congratulations to all our new Reception children who have places with us for September 2024!   


We are delighted to announce the date for our Teddy Bears' Picnic on the school field.  Tuesday 9th of July 1:30 - 2:30pm shall be a lovely time for us to say "hello" to you before you start school.  You can bring your favourite teddy to show us, and bring a little snack too to eat!  


Parents - You will shortly be receiving an information pack through the post. We will also be holding an information evening on the 9th of July 2024 5:15 - 6:15pm in the school hall. You can find out all about what it is like to be a member of our school community. 


Mrs Richardson (Class 1 Teacher)  Mrs Petchell (HLTA in Class 1) and Mr Walker-Jones (Head Teacher) can't wait to meet you!


See you soon.

'Children in the early years get off to a superb start. Staff are skilled in providing children with meaningful and purposeful activities. Children can sustain their concentration. They share resources well and get on with each other. Staff ask children considered questions. These help to deepen children’s thinking and develop their vocabulary. Relationships between adults and children are warm and positive.' (Ofsted March 2023)

Mrs Richardson - Class Teacher                           Mr Walker-Jones - Head Teacher

Mrs Petchell - HLTA

We are delighted that your child is joining our school.  This page will provide the information that you need to support your child in the early stages of their school life. For further information about our school - such as the curriculum, timings, calendar events etc - please explore the website. 


The staff in school will build and develop the learning that has taken place in your child’s vital pre-school years.  We look forward to working together to make your child’s first years at primary school a happy and rewarding experience.  Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that you may have.


If you need to contact school please use the contacts below:



Office and answer phone – 01949 860056


Mrs Richardson -  

School Uniform


Children must wear black school shoes.


Boys:  grey trousers or grey shorts in the summer, white polo shirt or white shirt and grey socks. 


Girls:  grey skirts or trousers, grey pinafore dress or a blue and white checked summer dress and white polo shirt or white shirt and grey, white/ grey socks or white/grey/blue tights.


A variety of clothes with our school logo on can be purchased through the school website. Please note you do not have to purchase uniform with our school logo on.


Please ensure all clothing and footwear is clearly labelled.  It is also really helpful if you show your child where their name is so that they can become independent in finding their own items (please use sew-in or sticky name labels and they are more durable than writing with in as it washes off).


In the summer months please ensure you send your child to school with a sun hat and an application of sun cream.  The one application a day is ideal!



Wellingtons - We also ask for you to provide a pair of wellingtons that will be kept at school to be worn in our outdoor area.  The outdoor environment for learning and play is so important that we go out no matter what the weather.  We have waterproof coats for your child to wear.

Spare Clothes – please ensure your child has a bag of spare clothes to be kept in school on their peg.  A drawstring bag is ideal.

School Milk

All schools are now part of the ‘Cool Milk Scheme’ which as a parent you are responsible for registering, ordering and paying for your child’s milk.  Once registered your child will be able to have free milk until their fifth birthday but if you do not register milk will not be provided at any point.  Please see enclosed leaflet or visit the website


If you are unemployed or are in receipt of tax credits, please contact the school office as the school may be eligible for additional funding support called Pupil Premium. By registering, you will provide extra funding to school to help learning.



Water is really important for learning and we encourage children to drink water regularly during the school day. Please send your child to school with their drinks bottle everyday clearly labelled.  Please ensure your child takes their drink bottle home with them every night, so it can be washed, and refilled, and brought to school the next day.  However please do not put it in their ruck sack, just in case it leaks.



We are part of the National Fruit Scheme, so every child is offered a free piece of fruit daily which continues into Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2).  This is eaten with water or milk before morning playtime, and we do encourage them to try the fruit.




We have a dinner playtime at 12pm - 12.30pm. Playtime is a great social experience and lots of activities are available.


Due to school policy the small climbing frame for children under 8, and the large Nexus climbing frame (at the top of the field for children over 8) is closed to children under the age of 8 during school time.  However, after school, parents and carers can make the decision whether to allow your child to use the large climbing frame under your supervision.


Trim Trail and small equipment such as bats and balls, hoops, skipping ropes and balance boards.


Dinner Time is 12.30 - 1pm

Children in Reception are all eligible for a free school meal.  However if you would prefer your child to have sandwiches please provide them with a packed lunch.  Please ensure that lunch boxes are clearly named.  We are a healthy school and therefore request that lunchboxes DO NOT contain fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets.  Also we are a nut free school due to some children in school having allergies.  Please include any cutlery your child may need to eat their lunch, such as a spoon for a yoghurt.  All children will eat their lunch in the hall where they will be looked after by a midday supervisor.  We say a prayer before we eat dinner.  


After eating their lunch the class teacher collects the children from the hall and takes them back to their classroom.



The cloakrooms are situated in the corridoor outside class 1.  Your child will have their own coat peg clearly marked with their name and photograph.  They will hang their spare clothes bag and coat on their peg and put their ruck sack on the floor under their peg.



There are three toilets and sinks situated between Class 1 and Class 2.  Your child is able to access the toilet at any time during the school day.  It is hoped they are able to go to the toilet themselves and know to wash their hands with soap and water.



In the Foundation Stage staff are able to administer medicine to your child which is prescribed by a doctor or issued by a pharmacist. All medicines must have a named pharmacy label.  There is a form that you must fill out detailing dosage and time.  We can also administer non-prescribed medicine (eg calpol).  Again there is a form for you to fill out.



If your child is taken ill during the day we will make every effort to contact you or your named contact.  Please keep us informed of any changes in contact numbers.  Please phone the school office before the start of school to notify us that your child is absent. If you are unsure please seek medical advice as to whether or not your child should attend school.  If your child is absent from school and we have not received a phone call by 9.10am, school will make contact to check your child’s reason for being absent.


Please remember that children should remain off school for 48 hours after the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea – this ensures the bug is not passed on to other children/staff.


First Aid

In school, health and safety is high priority.  However there are occasions when children in the course of their play, will trip or fall and bump into one another.  For minor injuries such as small cuts and grazes the injury will be attended by a First Aider in the school. 


An injury note will be filled in and shown to you at the end of the school day informing you of the nature of the injury and how it was treated which you will be asked to sign.  If your child is at after school club a member of their staff will sign it and a copy will be sent home in your child’s book bag.  If a child’s injury is more serious we will contact you immediately.

School ruck sack

A ruck sack is available to buy from our uniform suppliers - Price and Buckland. You will find their details here Uniform Information | Langar C of E Primary School ( 


Your child will bring home reading books to share with you, and a reading diary for you to write in to note when you have listened to them read.  Please ensure their reading books are in their ruck sack everyday.  Their ruck sack needs to be brought to school with them everyday so books can be changed, and letters can be taken home safely. 


Physical Education

We do PE weekly.  You will be notified when your child starts in September of their PE days.

Please note your child will come to school wearing their PE kit on their PE day.


PE kit: Blue shorts and yellow logo t-shirt (ordered from our supplier via the school website)  During the spring and summer months we take the children outdoors for P.E. They will need trainers, a jumper and pair of jogging bottoms.



Learning Journey File

Your child will have their own Learning Journey file.  It includes photographs, observation notes, and any significant pieces of work showing their progress.  The work they carry out can be practical and written.  Any written work goes into subject books, and can be looked at during our connect and reflect afternoons throughout the year.  We do ask for your contribution to these journeys and there is a ‘WOW’ box in the classroom for you to put notes/photographs in to inform us of your child’s achievements and any ‘wow’ moments they have out of school.  You can also email any achievements to 



In Reception, we use Tapestry - a secure online learning journal.  Tapestry builds a very special record of a child's experiences, development and learning journey through their early years and primary education.  Using photographs and entries, the teacher along with the child's parents 'weaves' the story of the child and how they are growing and developing.  The Tapestry platform then works seamlessly to enable these memories to be kept as a permanent record of each child's unique journey.  All information held in the platform is stored securely, and can be downloaded and shared as required.  Parents are able to view online what their child has been doing, whilst also uploading their own comments and media.  


At the end of Reception, their journal is printed and presented to the child and brought home as a memory to keep.


As parents you will receive an email to activate your account.

Keep a look out for emails from Tapestry and enjoy looking at what your child has been doing at school.



Managing Behaviour

Our behaviour policy is linked to our six school values of taking care, love, respect, thoughtfulness, fairness and gratitude.  We have a progressive approach to managing behaviour where the child is encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions. More detail can be found in our behaviour policy. 


Staff will share with you any inappropriate behaviour.


Collective Worship/School Prayer

As a Church of England school, children take part in daily Collective Worship in the hall or classroom.  


At the end of the day we say our school prayer together.  You can help you child to learn it:


Lord bless our school, so that by working together and playing together, we may learn to serve you and love one another.  Amen.


Parents and School

Starting school is a big milestone in a child’s life and we need to work together to make it a pleasurable experience.  We believe it is very important to have a close link between parents and School in order to create the best learning conditions for our children.  Please ensure your child has their reading book, diary and book bag in school everyday and check your child’s book bag daily as letters will be sent home regularly.  Please also check class 1’s page on the school website on a regular basis to read our weekly newsletter.


If there are any problems that need to be discussed, please see the class teacher.  You can contact Mrs Richardson via email at or speak to her personally after school.


Our aim is for school and home to work as a partnership.

Here are some photographs of our classroom and outdoor area.

Reception Curriculum Booklet
