SENCo: Mrs Joanne Richardson. (achieved National Award for SENCO 2012)
SEND Governor: Mr Andrew Bunney
'Pupils with SEND are getting a good deal here. There are clear procedures to help identify those pupils who might need extra help. Staff have received appropriate training, for example, in speech and language and dyslexia. Pupils’ targets are reviewed frequently. Some pupils access external support from the school and family services team.' (Ofsted March 2023)
At Langar Church of England Primary School we are committed to offering a curriculum that is accessible to all children regardless of their background, needs or abilities. Teachers will respond to the individual needs of our children and make any necessary adaptations to ensure that our children are secure in the next steps of their learning.
Our aim is to create an atmosphere of inclusion, encouragement, respect and sensitivity. The inclusion of pupils identified as having special educational needs and disability (SEND) in our school community is integral to the diversity and richness of our school.
Our co-ordinator for pupils with Special Educational Needs is Mrs Joanne Richardson and can be contacted via the school office on 019494 860056 or by email at
Listed below are some links to websites that you might find useful:
Nottinghamshire County Council Council SEN Information: You will be able to find full information here about all aspects of SEN and what support is available in Nottinghamshire for pupils and families.
SEN Local Offer: Nottinghamshire’s SEND Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families across education, health, social care and the voluntary and independent sectors.
Healthy Family Teams are part of the Healthy Families Programme (
Healthy Family Teams are part of the Healthy Families Programme.
This brings together care provided by the Specialist Public Health Practitioners and their teams. These used to be known as Health Visitors and School Nurses. It also includes the Family Nurse Partnership Programme for young parents and the National Child Measurement Programme.
Each team of practitioners and support staff have responsibility for a certain area and work across the 0-19 years age. These are known as ‘Healthy Family Teams’.
Small Steps is a service providing early support and evidence-based interventions to families of children and young people displaying behaviours that cause concern or challenge. Support will be available where there is no formal diagnosis of ASD or ADHD, but where behaviours maybe indicative or characteristic of these conditions and also for families of children and young people diagnosed with ASD and/or ADHD. – A government guide to support parents of pupils with SEND – A link to the National Autistic Society and Autism Trust. This site provides support for families who have a child with ASD or ASD traits. Autism East Midlands provide help and support to families and individuals affected by autism from across Nottinghamshire. Children’s Audiology service sees patients from new-born to school leaving age. This is a family-friendly service that aims to accurately assess children’s hearing to identify any difficulties. If a hearing loss is identified we work collaboratively with professionals, the family and the child to assist the child in managing the hearing loss, reducing the impact the hearing difficulties this has on the child.
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Parent Partnership Service supports parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities living in two local authority areas – you can contact us if you live in Nottingham City or anywhere within the county of Nottinghamshire. You can also contact us if you are about to move into either of these areas.
Rainbow Parents Carers Forum is a support group and voice for parents & carers
who have a child with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND). We are a parent led organisation whose mission is to “Support and Empower Families to be Heard and Achieve Better Outcomes”.
The IRIS Project is a one-stop shop offering information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities based in Nottingham.
Family Action transforms lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country. Our innovative services reach out to those in need, we strengthen families and communities, build skills and resilience and improve the life chances of children and adults.
The Family Grapevine is an amazing directory-style magazine for parents and carers in East & South Notts and Nottingham, full of the sort of local information that every family needs from bump to teens!
With a more thorough understanding of special needs on the rise, autism friendly events have begun to be implemented throughout the UK, allowing those on the autism spectrum, along with their carers and families, to enjoy and take part in regular events and attractions.
One of the leading experts in child relaxation training, classes and resources. We offer quality products and services to help children become resilient and give them tools and techniques to manage their emotional, and mental, health.
Self Help UK is the leading specialist organisation in promoting, supporting and encouraging Self Help Groups, both locally in Nottinghamshire and nationwide.
Self Help groups enable people to take better control of their circumstances or conditions, gain strength and support from others, and improve their self-care.
We offer a free, friendly, independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). ADDISS (The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service) provide support and resources for parents who have a pupil with ADHD or ADD. Provide support, assessments and tuition through national learning centres. The Dyspraxia Foundation is a country wide charity that supports to inform and help parents who have children with Dyspraxia. The National Deaf Children’s Society can support parents with information and advice, resources, a helpline, making connections with other deaf parents and children, attending local events etc. Parenting advice on sleep, tantrums, using a naughty step, health eating, potty training, using reward charts etc. A charity helping to improve the lives of disabled children, young people and their families. Nottinghamshire website for Parent Partnership Service Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services for Nottinghamshire. Speech and Language Therapy services for children in Nottinghamshire. Support for families with bereavement.
DRAFT SEN POLICY - awaiting Governor approval
Respect Week 2023
We are all different, we are all unique, we all have our peculiarities, we all have our sensitivities; in that respect we are all the same. What makes us different makes us amazing. Being different adds variety. We need diversity in this world. We need and have diversity in our schools. We need diversity in our lives. If we were all the same, the world would be a very boring place. We often judge those who are different rather than try to understand. If we were all the same, we would never develop empathy, we would never develop understanding, tolerance or respect. A perfect world is one in which we truly appreciate and respect each other’s’ differences.
At Langar C of E Primary School we aim to provide a rounded education for all children, underpinning our curriculum with Christian values and learning skills, whilst encouraging learners to aim for academic excellence - being the very best they can be. We are proud to support pupils with a range of special educational needs including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hypermobility, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. For some pupils, you may not even realise that there is a diagnosis in place. These pupils have a hidden disability. Support for these pupils comes in a variety of forms, whether this is through a teaching intervention, differentiation, adaptations within the classroom, adult support or simply differentiated strategies for supporting pupils in their learning.
This year we are holding Respect Week, commencing 3rd July.
We will be focussing on invisible disabilities. The children will be participating in a number of different activities to promote understanding, respect and tolerance whilst celebrating all our fabulous differences.