School uniform, including sunhats, PE kit, backpacks and PE bags are available to buy online directly from our suppliers. Please click on the following web site address to visit our their webpage. You will need to register to place your order:
You can order online and have the items delivered to your home for a small charge, or a delivery will be sent to school once a month for collection.
School do have large amount of "preloved" pieces of uniform - please do ask if there is any in your child's size.
Children are expected to wear full school uniform:
On the days when classes have PE, children come to school in and wear PE uniform all day. The PE indoor uniform is a yellow or white t-shirt, black or navy blue shorts and plimsolls/ trainers. The outdoor PE uniform is a yellow or white t-shirt; black, navy blue or grey tracksuit bottoms or leggings; a navy blue SCHOOL jumper and trainers. Any child in non -uniform sportswear will be asked to remove it and will be provided with a plain t-shirt.
School Uniform
PE Kit