School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Class 4

New Academic Year Curriculum Trip for Class 4

Eden Camp Museum



Class 4 have now taken part in two PHSE sessions on Being Safe with Technology.


In our lessons we have talked about cyber-bullying and went through several online scenarios.  Children spoke about reasons for cyber-bullying and the emotions of those being cyber bullied.  Children we encouraged to talk about taking the control back when online activity gets out of control ie speaking out and talking to trusted adults. 


All children were given a SMART online help sheet produced by and we revisited out display in the Library for children to gain guidance from.


Mrs George 

Dress to "express" yourself- Children's Mental Health Week - Thank you for supporting us.

Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Still image for this video

Curriculum 2023 - 24

Diwali Day and Celebrations


Class 4 spent the day fully immersed in Diwali. 


Children revisited the story of Ramayana building on their story knowledge of Rama and Sita and their triumph over the evil demon Ravana.   In the afternoon we were able to use our bodies to retell the story which was taught by a dance professional from West End In Schools.


Class 4 also had the opportunity to design a Mandala from scratch.  We discussed the Mandala meaning, reasonings behind colour choices and choice of patterns.  Their designs were inspirational. 


Here are some of our completed Mandala's - beautiful. 

An intense start to the term ⛺️

Class 4-ish...!


Group A


Group B


Group C



The first week of PSHE for the new academic year.  This week we talked about worries, safety and who would be our trusted adults if we needed someone to talk to.


A great first lesson Class 4. 


Next week we will start to explore Zones of Regulation which is a long term project to help children self regulate at times of heightened emotions. 

Weekly Timetable

Welcome back! The classroom is ready and waiting for your input tomorrow!

Year 6 Leavers

With a heavy heart we said goodbye to our Year 6 leavers.   We had our leaving assembly in St Andrews and then parents met the children on the field for a farewell get-together.  In addition we had some children leave from class 2 and we wish them well in their new adventure. 

DAaRT Graduation


Class 4 have just completed their 10 weeks of DAaRT.  On Tuesday they all graduated with flying colours.  Well done everyone!

DAaRT Graduation Role Plays

It is always tricky trying to find time to talk with teachers at an appropriate moment, especially when the matter is sensitive.  The morning is a pressure point, as they are busy settling and teaching their class, and at home time you often have an audience of children and other parents!


It is best to make an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher about anything substantial, send an email for minor messages, or pass them on via the office or the staff member on door duty.


Class 4 - Year 5/6 - Mr Owen-Jones –

Long Term Plan 2022 - 23

Residential Pictures - Heathersage 22nd - 24th May 2023


Day 1 - Welcomed by St Michaels Mount, a village walk, play park and hanging out!

Day 2


Trains, steep hills, hide and seek, den building, cows and stunning views!

Day 3


Chatsworth House, roly-poly time, maze, group shot, tame Robin, farm animals, playpark and some great memories made. 

Summer Science Unit


This term the title of our science unit is 'Changes and Reproduction'. The learning objectives for each lesson in the 6 lesson unit are as follows:


1. To recognise the stages of growth and development in humans

2. To know the stages in the gestation period of humans and compare them to other animals

3. To recognise the stages of development during childhood and understand the needs of children at those stages

4. To understand the initial changes inside and outside of the body during puberty

5. To know the changes that occur during puberty and how they differ for boys and girls

6. To understand how the body changes during adulthood and old age


I am making you aware of this in case your child comes home and starts asking questions, so be prepared (especially from lesson 3 onwards). This is always a topic that raises a lot of questions for the children so that is nothing to be worried about. If you have any questions yourself (about the content), please feel free to drop me an email or come and see me.




Mr Owen-Jones

An eye-opening afternoon!

Arithmetic warm up activities
