School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

To ensure that the school’s core values of love, fairness, thoughtfulness, take care, respect and gratitude are at the heart of the curriculum which reflects our inclusive ethos

Context and Rationale - Curriculum

We share information about our curriculum and children’s learning via the website. Children’s progress is reported in snapshot reports termly which is followed by a parent/teacher meeting and then Connect and Reflect afternoon where parents can come in to see children’s books. We need to be aware of parents’ engagement in this and not disadvantage a child because of lack of parent engagement or understanding.  We are aware that when parents feel underrepresented in a school they may not feel a sense of belonging and therefore may not choose to send their child to our school. We must consider ways to represent the broad diversity in Britain through our school environment and curriculum and not just represent the children that come here. PCs - Age, disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, pregnant, religion and belief, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership
ActionsSuccess Criteria
Autumn 2022

Carry out a learning environment audit to gain insight into the representation of minority groups and the range of PCs.

Plan and promote Black History Month

Improve the common area displays to be more representative if necessary.

Commit to the weekly delivery of Picture News. Follow this through with a class reflection book, lunchtime ‘talk topics’ and Picture News at Home shared via the website.

Create a robust LTP and MTP for RE that makes multi-faith topics explicit and progressive

KT to deliver a staff meeting to build staff confidence to deliver multi-faith topics
  • The updated learning environment means that become familiar with a range of inspirational people, seeing beyond culture, colour, age and disability
  • Children engage weekly in a range of current affairs from UK and around the world, showing increasing empathy and understanding and becoming able to disagree respectfully with each other and the news
  • Children know about religions other than Christianity
Spring 2023

Audit current resources/provision through our curriculum offer for each subject area with regard to the protected characteristics of race and religion

  • Pupils’ awareness of diversity and understanding of equality is identified through curriculum plans and captured during pupil voice.
Summer 2023

Ensure the learning environment reflects all the work on diversity and world faiths throughout the year

Carry out parent and pupil feedback reviews to capture the work completed across the year

Consciously include key texts and lessons which challenge racial and religious stereotypes and are representative of modern-day society.

  • A culture of tolerance, acceptance and respect is evident in school and shared and celebrated in pupils’ work/displays
  • Children have a secure understanding of world faiths


Monitoring & Evaluation Methods

Review of this action plan (termly)

Monitor curriculum/lesson plans ½ termly to ensure EDI is incorporated through learning walks, book looks and environment reviews.

Through conversations with children (pupil voice questionnaires)

Governor Involvement

Nominated link governor- equality & inclusion

Focused governor visits

Finance Committee (oversight of training & resource budget)

T&L Governor has oversight of curriculum

Reporting Progress

School SEF

School Improvement Plan

Head Teacher Report to Governors

Link Governor Visits
