We believe at Langar that PSHE education does not exist in isolation. Through PSHE we provide a range of opportunities for children to develop in a well-balanced way, beyond the academic, to move from childhood into the wider world with support and guidance, and to encourage both an awareness of others and the growth of responsible independence. The learning environment we provide encourages children to develop their full potential and celebrate their achievements. We seek to foster mutual respect in a caring Christian environment. PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizen Education) is a thread which runs under the whole ethos of our school. Our approach to teaching this subject is multi-pronged and a number of resources are utilised to enable to children to be equipped to cope with life in modern Britain.
VALUES - the values we uphold and support (Love, Take Care, Respect, Fairness and Thoughtfulness) in school are the foundation of PSHE. These are coupled with the BRITISH VALUES (Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs).
We use two formal schemes which are Jigsaw and First aid for Feelings. We also take part in circle time which is adapted to the individual needs of each class.
Our LEARNING TO LEARN system also supports PSHE with a growth mindset and a positive attitude towards learning.
We also focus on specific areas of PSHE during the year such as Anti-bullying week, Respect Week, and Online Safety.
The programme is run on a two-year cycle and we have the objectives for Reception, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6. This is a spiral curriculum and we visit the same areas differentiated for the age of the children in each class.
We are unable to publish our resources online for copyright reasons but an outline of the areas covered each half term is as follows:
Being Me in my World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me.
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