The Langar curriculum is built on a core set of Christian values that provide a moral compass and a common language of behaviour for the school family and wider community. The values equip our children with social and relationship skills, intelligences and attitudes to succeed at school and throughout their lives.
Our school values are take care, thoughtfulness, love, fairness, respect and gratitude.
Each value is taught discretely once a half term; through R.E, collective worship and PSHE.
The House Captains are also our Values Spotters and recognise children who they see upholding the values and record them in their books. On a Friday the House Captains meet and choose one child each to award a certificate to in Celebration Worship.
Values are also rewarded by adults. In the past these were rewarded with marbles but the House Captains have reinvented this system this term:
For the past seven years, children have been rewarded for upholding the values by being given a marble to contribute to a class jar. When the jar is full, which takes 300 marbles, the class get to choose a treat.
The House Captains have recognised that these jars take a long time to fill, which can result in children becoming disengaged from trying to earn marbles, staff forget to award marbles and the treats take up a lot of learning time.
They have therefore decided to change the system to allow for a smaller treat to happen more often and for individuals who have upheld the values to be rewarded too.
The New Approach
The marbles will be changed to raffle tickets. When these are awarded, children’s names need to be written on the back. Staff will be given a book of raffle tickets each so that they can reward children often and in the moment they see them upholding the values. The raffle tickets will go into a class container.
Children will be working towards a class treat chosen from the Rewards Menu. Children in classes 1 and 2 need to have 50 raffle tickets and children in classes 3 and 4 100 tickets to get the reward.
Every Friday, the container will be brought into Celebration Worship where two children from each class will be picked out at random to choose a treat from the Values Box.
These values provide a common language and are the foundation on which our decision making and policies are built upon. The schools behaviour policy acknowledges these values as our guiding principles for behaviour.
Our four house groups champion one of these values each and live out these values through their daily acts and the charity work they do.