Context and Rationale - Attainment There has never been a gap between children from BAME backgrounds at the end of Key Stage 2 assessment point. However, some children with SEN do not make as much progress as their peers. There are some gaps between the attainment and progress of girls and boys in writing. 5 children were WTS in writing at the end of KS1, four of these were boys. Boys progress in writing at the end of KS2 was 1.5 where girls was 2.9. PCs - sex, disability, race | |
Actions | Success Criteria |
Autumn 2022 | |
Undertake attainment and progress analysis for the summer 2022 data with a focus on these groups of pupils Analyse the leaning diet of these children and consider any barriers to learning they may have. Amend the daily planning accordingly. Survey the children to find out about engagement of these groups of pupils in clubs and sporting activities Analyse the barriers that are preventing these children from accessing these opportunities and remove these by inviting them directly and providing financial relief where necessary |
Spring 2023 | |
Continue to undertake attainment and progress analysis for the autumn term data with a focus on these groups of pupils Analyse the leaning diet of these children and consider any barriers to learning they may have. Amend the daily planning accordingly. Survey the children to find out about engagement of these groups of pupils in clubs and sporting activities for the autumn term Analyse the barriers that are preventing these children from accessing these opportunities and remove these by inviting them directly and providing financial relief where necessary |
Summer 2023 | |
Continue to undertake attainment and progress analysis for the spring term data with a focus on these groups of pupils Analyse the leaning diet of these children and consider any barriers to learning they may have. Amend the daily planning accordingly. Survey the children to find out about engagement of these groups of pupils in clubs and sporting activities for the autumn term Analyse the barriers that are preventing these children from accessing these opportunities and remove these by inviting them directly and providing financial relief where necessary |
Monitoring & Evaluation Methods Review of this action plan (termly) Monitor curriculum/lesson plans ½ termly to ensure EDI is incorporated through learning walks, book looks and environment reviews. Through conversations with children (pupil voice questionnaires) | Governor Involvement Nominated link governor- equality & inclusion Focused governor visits Finance Committee (oversight of training & resource budget) T&L Governor has oversight of curriculum | Reporting Progress School SEF School Improvement Plan Head Teacher Report to Governors Link Governor Visits |