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Langar Church of England Primary School

Class 3


Who is teaching me this week?

MondayMR Daft P.E and Mrs George PSHEMrs Nicholson and Mr Hall
TuesdayMrs Nicholson and  Mrs George Mrs Nicholson and Mrs George
WednesdayMrs Nicholson and  Mrs George Mrs Nicholson and Mr Hall 
ThursdayMrs Nicholson and Mr HallMr Hall and Mrs George
FridayMrs Nicholson and Mr Hall Mr Hall and Mrs George


Wow - what an amazing day!


Team class 3 have had the best day. We have been working hard to decide what we want our classroom to feel like and look like and we have already worked out how we are going achieve it. We are going to have a fantastic year!


Our PE days are on a Monday and a Friday.  


I have asked the children to make sure they bring their reading book and diary to school everyday. The children are being encouraged to record in their reading diary when they have read. This can be a word or phrase they have enjoyed and want to magpie or a sentence about a character, the setting or a plot point. It might be a prediction about what will happen next.  


We can't wait to see you all tomorrow.  





New Academic Year Curriculum Trip for Class 3

Jorvik Centre

Welcome back to the summer 2 half term.  


Dates for your diary -

3rd June - school re-opens.

5th June - class 3 to go swimming. 

3rd - 14th June - Year 4 Multiplication tables check window opens.

21st June - Sports Day  - 13.45 - 15.00 (more details to follow)

8th July - whole school music concert

15th July - end of year reports sent home.

26th July - last day of school.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you encourage your children to  practise for their times table check.  We plan to do our checks the week commencing 10th June. 


Who will be teaching me next week?

Monday - Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Lark, Mr McCarton  -  PM  PSHE ( Mrs Lark ) PE ( Mr Dillon ) 
Tuesday - Mr Patchett, Mrs Lark, Mr McCarton 
Wednesday  -  Mr Patchett, Mrs Lark Mr McCarton ( Mrs Nicholson joining for Swimming) 
Thursday   - Mrs Nicholson (am), Mr Patchett (pm), Mr Hall and Mrs Lark 
Friday -   Mrs Nicholson, Mr Hall and Mrs Lark 


Residential to Walesby


We know that you will have enjoyed daily update pictures of the Class 3 Residential whilst the children were at Walesby but now that everyone is rested we thought you would like to see the whole collection.


We want to thank all parents for allowing us to take their child and trusting us to do so.




Mrs Nicholson, Mr Patchett, Mr Hall and Mrs George  

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Welcome back to our Summer term in class 3.


The summer term is always a fun one and we certainly have lots to fit in.  We will be looking forward to watching our garden grow and develop over the next few weeks. We also have our residential coming up next month. Watch this space for the final details. 


We will start the term off with our Geography topic  'Countries of the World' and we will be exploring the seven continents, locating countries on the map,

Investigating geographical features and becoming fluent at naming our  capital cities.  We will have the opportunity to do a country study and compare similarities and differences between different countries. 


After half term in history, we will begin to examine the lives of Ancient Greeks. We have some very excited  historians who are keen to get going with this topic.   We will  begin to explore Greek mythology during our story sessions next week. 


In science, we will be investigating health and movement. We will start by exploring foods for growth and energy and what a balanced diet looks like.  We will also look at animal diets and complete a pet investigation.  Finally, we will explore the skeleton and how this can be used for support and protection.  We will conclude our topic with a look muscles and compare the different types. 


After half term, we will begin our science topic on Forces and magnets.  


 In Art, we will explore the artist William Morris.  We will have a go at  still life art before moving onto printing.  Our artists are going to love this.  


After half term, our design technology topic is light up signs. 


In music, we will learn the song Blackbird. 


In computing, we will explore how to do an effective search, introduce blogging and think about online safety. 


We have our timetable check in June so we will continue to become fluent with our times tables up to 12 x 12. Our other maths topics will include decimals, money, time, shapes, statistics, position and direction.  Please support your children with telling the time. We will be focussing on time throughout the summer term and the best way to learn to tell the time is to keep looking at clocks both analogue and digital. If your children have a watch - now is the time to wear them. Please also allow your children to explore money.  Maybe let them buy things from the shops and work out the change to be expected. 


Our first text in English is a book called the journey.  We will immerse ourselves in the text, analyse and interpret it  before producing our own narrative piece and a diary entry. 


Please get in touch if you have any questions.  The class 3 team are ready for a fun packed term.


Thank you as always for your continued support. 


Team Class 3



Welcome back Class 3 to 2024!


We have an exciting half term packed with lots of learning experiences ready for us to explore. 


In Geography, we are ready to explore rainforests in our new topic. I know lots of us are really keen to get started on this.  There will be some surprises along the way.  


In Science,  we are starting our topic on 'How Plants Grow'.  I know we have some experts in this field, so please share your knowledge and help us create a mini garden outside our classroom. Any advise or donations of plants will be greatly received.  


In music, we will be learning our rap song called ' Stop Bullying' which class 3 will love. 


In Art,  we will explore the French artist Seurat and their work on Pointillism. We will produce some excellent art work from this.  


In Computing, we are using the programme 'to animate' to create our own animations.  I know these will be fantastically creative!


In PSHE, we will continue our work on 'Zones of Regulation' .  Please talk to your children about this as they have some excellent knowledge of how they move through the zones and the best techniques to support them when dysregulated.   We will continue to develop new techniques.  These strategies will continue to help them along their journey into adulthood. 



Curriculum 2023 - 24


Advent book Calendar


The children are invited to bring in their favourite book to share with the class. It would be a great idea if your children could write a quick Christmas message to the class to share when their book is unwrapped. Please wrap the book up in wrapping paper which can be paper decorated by your children.  We will put the numbers on the wrapping paper in school. 


It can be a picture book, chapter book or Christmas story.  We are always promoting a love of books for the children and this is a fun and engaging way to share some of their favourites. 


Please as always, let us know if you have any problems with this.


Thank you for your continued  support.


Team Class 3

Class 3 visited the book fair on Friday and made a wish list.  Hopefully these made it home to you.  We hope you enjoy visiting the Book Fair this week.  


We hope you're finding the weekly homework page on the website easy to navigate. Please get in touch if you have any questions -


Class 3 enjoyed meeting the vicar on Friday and asked some very good questions.  We look forward to working with him at school.  

We are looking forward to welcoming class 3 back on Tuesday 7th November 2023.  We hope you're rested and ready to fly into our busy Autumn 2 timetable.


We will now have PE and PSHE on a Monday afternoon.  We will go outside for P.E for as long as we can, so please make sure that you are prepared with  warm clothes and trainers. A change of footwear would be welcomed too ( not compulsory), so we can be comfy and dry when we get back inside. Some children have suggested wearing black plimsols as indoor footwear throughout the winter which we think would work well. 


In English, we will continue to use the vehicle text 'The Rhythm of the Rain' to support our writing of an information leaflet to inform.  We will also be developing our grammar skills, comprehension skills, handwriting and spelling during our daily skills work. 


Lexia will continue daily but please remember to encourage your children to complete their weekly session at home.  Some children have asked if they can bring in their headphones from home.  This is welcomed but they will need to be small enough to fit in their school tray. We do have headphones in school if your child doesn't have a pair to bring in.  


In maths, we are continuing with addition and subtraction before moving on to area and then multiplication and division. Thank you for supporting your children on TTRS and Numbots as it is really helping their fluency skills. 


In History, we are continuing our topic ' Stone age to the Iron age'.  We will be setting a creative homework piece of work for our History / Science topics over the next week.  The children will have until the last week of term to create their mini project.  More details to follow but I know the children will love this experience and will come up with so many fantastic ideas. 


We are also finalising our plans to go the Creswell Craggs later in the term, so we really are going to be busy in the run up to Christmas. More information to follow!


In Science,  we are continuing to explore Rocks, fossils and soils.  Science is always a highlight of the week for our scientists.  


In Geography, we will be exploring our topic ' Earning a living' .


Our weekly Music, French, DandT and computing will also provide the children with the balanced curriculum they enjoy. 


Please keep checking in the homework part of our class page to see the weekly spellings and expectations for each week. 


As always, we are all here to help your children flourish and excell in all they do, so please let us know if you have any queries or questions.


Thank you for your continued support.


The Class 3 Team -  Mr Patchett, Mrs NIcholson , Mr Hall and Mr McCarton



Timetable Autumn 2



Monday's have a different start this academic year in Class 3.


PHSE is the first lesson of the day following Collective Worship.  This week we talked about worries and who would our trusted adults be if we needed to talk to someone. 


The children really enjoyed talking about the qualities of their trusted adults.


Next week we will start to explore Zones of Regulation which is a long term project to help children self regulate at times of heightened emotions. 


Mrs George 



Our wonderful children working hard!

WOW! What a day!

The children have all been so excited to come back to school today and their behaviour was exemplorary.  You all should be very proud of them.  

We have some new routines and they have adapted really well to them.  I have spoken about my 'Happy Place', which is where I can send my mind to when I am feeling 'out of sorts'.  I have a picture in the classroom of my happy place and I asked if the children could either bring in a picture of them in their happy place, or send one to me so I can print it off.  This is part of learning to self-regulate our feelings.  Thanks for your assistance in this.  

Hopefully they will be able to tell you everything they have done today! 

Best wishes

Mrs Turner and Mr Hall

Welcome back to Langar after a well-deserved holiday and rest.  

Mrs Turner, Mrs Nicholson and Mr Hall have worked hard in the class to get things ready and are so excited to have you back for a new term and a new school year. 

Our PE days are Monday and Thursday, but this will start next week.  If you have any questions please do contact us via email (see below) or catch us at the end of the day if it is a quick question.  Please don't worry if you child does not come home with a reading book in the first few days; all will be sorted in good time!


Mrs Turner, Mrs Nicholson and Mr Hall


Prayer for the new school year

It is always tricky trying to find time to talk with teachers at an appropriate moment, especially when the matter is sensitive.  The morning is a pressure point, as they are busy settling and teaching their class, and at home time you often have an audience of children and other parents!


It is best to make an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher about anything substantial, send an email for minor messages, or pass them on via the office or the staff member on door duty.

Class 3 - Year 3/4 - Mrs Turner – 

                                Mrs Nicholson - 



End of Year Expectations Booklets
