School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School

Class 2

Trip to Sudbury Hall 


Please can I remind you that payments are due by tomorrow 16th January. If you need to discuss with me , please email .

Many thanks

Mrs Male

Welcome back to 2025!

I hope that you have had a great break and have spent quality time with family and friends ( and avoided illness!).

I'd like to thank you for the gifts that you so kindly gave me, they were really appreciated!

Just a few things to mention...

PE that was on a Monday, is now on a Wednesday - so please still come in PE kits on a Wednesday. Normal uniform on a Monday (for now).

Please remember to pay for our upcoming trip - it's on SQid  (check the letter that was sent home about this).

Please ensure that all uniform is named.

I will be putting the plan for this term on here. We have a new student teacher this term as Miss Oram is on a placement in Brussels.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Male


Class 2 Spring 2025

Last day of term 20th December 2024!

We are nearly there!!

I have said to the children today that they are able to bring in games, puzzles or lego tomorrow.

Well done to you all for all you have done this term! Have a wonderful Christmas taking care of those who are special to you.

Mrs Male

Awards and achievements in church 9am Friday 18th October!

Please bring in things for this either this afternoon or first thing tomorrow- things that your child has achieved outside of school this half term.

More partitioning- this time it's of the flexible variety!

Reading Days as requested!

Permission to write on the tables! Showing part whole models in Maths!

A wonderful 3 days!

What a hard working group of children we have! They should be proud of what they have achieved this week! They are into their routines, they know the expectations and show the values so well! Thank you to you, their adults, for all the support you have given them and continue to give. It looks set to be a good year!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Male

Working hard discussing pictures from our new text in English

Another successful day!

We have been looking at how we can take the best care when doing our work. The children have shown me how much they know about continents and we have applied our number bond knowledge to 20 to solve some problems!

See below for what we are doing to half term and what the timetable looks like. This can change according to visitors we have in school etc.


Class 2 timetable and Autumn 1 outline

Our first day..

Went really well! Lots of settling in activities, sorting where to sit, hearing children read, provision...what will day two hold?

Just a snippet...

We are ready !

Hello Class 2. The classroom is set up and waiting for you all to arrive! I have been very busy over the summer, tidying up, putting names onto books and seeing what activities we can do!

Parents- I have assigned reading books to your children. Please be aware that these might have already been read by your child- These are to assess the level that they should be on, bearing in mind we have been off for a few weeks.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Mrs Male

All ready for you tomorrow!

End of term fun!

As part of our end of term activities, I have said to the children today that they may bring in games. Please ensure these are named and no electrical gadgets please. They may bring in lego if they prefer, but again, named and their responsibility if parts go missing!


If your child has not handed in their reading book yet, can these be in tomorrow. Many thanks!

Fun Friday's! Just what we need after working so hard today!


Hello ! We are currently learning how to tell the time with o clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to! This is always a really tricky concept to master! Could you please practice this at home, using an analogue clock , rather than a digital clock. If you do not have an analogue clock, there are various interactive ones, this one is one I have used in the past

Many thanks, as always, for your support.

Mrs Male

A new TTRS Challenge!

There is a new challenge starting tomorrow at 8am - Boys v Girls! It will run until 8am on 20th June.


Mrs Male

Please take a look at some of the photographs from our recent trip to Whitepost Farm...


Can I remind you that we will meet in school ( gather in classroom to allocate car seats etc, toilets ).


We will leave here by 9.15 am- White Post does not open until 10am.

If we can all park in the field - possibly under the trees so we are altogether!

Please ensure your child is wearing a top with the school logo on . They can wear joggers and trainers, but please, no shorts as we will be holding some of the smaller animals.

Any other questions, please email me at school, otherwise, see you tomorrow!

Mrs Male

White Post Farm!

Can we all meet at school please on Thursday morning, so we can make sure that we have car seats and that I can see that we are all here.

Also, the sandwiches provided by the catering service (not in school catering) will be either cheese or ham with a snack, fruit, crisps and a drink. Please provide your child with their drinks bottle as usual and a waterproof and footwear suitable for walking around in ( not wellies as most of the ground is suitably paved or tarmac. We will not be visiting the shop!

Many thanks.

Mrs Male

More of our Yayoi Kusama work

Class 2 Trip - White Post Farm

Polka dot madness!

This morning, as part of our Art linked to the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, we experimented with polka dots  using felt tip pens and paints. We used a variety of things to print with, potato, cotton buds, corks, bubble wrap, you name it , we used it! There were some amazing pieces of work !

Just a taster of our Yayoi Kushama work!

Games afternoon.

The children had fun playing their board games! There were lots brought in and often difficult to chose which one to play! I enjoyed playing Tell the Time and Pop to the Shops!

I think the photos show the enjoyment, even when we were setting the games up!

Raffle Ticket Reward Games afternoon!

Class 2 raffle ticket reward!

Class 2 have achieved their 100 ticket reward!

They have voted to bring in a game on Friday, which we will play during the afternoon.

Please no electronic games!

Many thanks, as always.

Mrs Male

Class 2 w/b 13.5.24

Thank you to those who have applied suncream prior to the start of school, this has been really helpful, don't forget hats too!

I am sending home a copy of the letters the children wrote last week. I was really impressed with them and how they were organised. I have made the copies as dark as I could (using the darkest setting) but I do apologise if they are still tricky to read. I am sure that your child will tell you why we were writing them! 

Thank you as always, for your support.

Mrs Male

Class 2 updates!

There is a new TTRS Battle of the Bands that lasts until 16th May. Along with this, please encourage the use of Lexia to support spelling.


Here comes the sun ....

Now that song is playing in your head, can I remind you to apply sunscreen to your child before they come to school, if it is likely to be a sunny day. Do not let your child share suncream with others as some do cause reactions to skin. Alos, please provide a hat to provide shade on sunny days.

Many thanks

Mrs Male

Our Sharing assembly!

Thank you so much to those of you who were able to attend this morning! We had an excellent turn out! The children enjoyed showing their work and singing their friendship song!

Mr Walker-Jones was also able to share with school and parents his impressions and highlights of his first two weeks here at Langar.

Be proud of your children, they have worked so hard!

Mrs Male


I have finally managed to set up a Battle of the Bands-boys v girls!

It is running from now until 30th April!

Please support your child and monitor how they use it- please no using it in the middle of the night, no matter how keen!

The children are all really excited!

Mrs Male

Welcome back to the Summer term!

I hope that you all had a chance to rest and enjoy family time over Easter. Let's hope that the weather behaves and it starts to feel more like summer over the next few weeks!

Routines are the same as last term- PE remains on Monday and Wednesdays and as it gets warmer will be outside.

As ever , please ensure all items of clothing and bottles are named! Quite a few children now have Air up bottles and sometimes these get muddled up - I'd hate for these to go missing or get broken, especially as I know how expensive they are.

I have attached the plan for the Summer term learning, so that you have an idea of what is happening. It is our sharing assembly on Friday 26th April.


As always, if you feel that you need to notify me of upcoming appointments, please email me .


Mrs Male


Summer Term Year B 2024

Friday 22nd March

As part of our raffle ticket reward, Class 2 have voted to bring in a healthy snack to munch on during the day!

Please ensure that they are snacks and not sandwiches!

We have discussed the snacks that are suitable: breadsticks, carrot sticks, cucumber- these can have a suitable healthy dip if wished. Fruits are also perfect as are rice cakes. PLEASE NO CHOCOLATE OR NUTS!

Many thanks 

Mrs Male and Class 2


Class 2 have had the day off today but have sent in their favourite , inspirational character to celebrate World Book Day! We have a quiz and fun activities planned. Mrs Male is not here today, but an Oompa Loompa has offered to help in Class 2!

WBD 2024

Hello everybody!

It's been a very busy week!

We have discovered that there is a blue creature in Bluebell Wood and have been acting out how we would feel if we had discovered it!

Hopefully we will find out more next week!

Can I ask if you have any shoe boxes, to bring them in by next Friday 1st March , as we will need them for our art work about Rousseau!

Many thanks.

Dress to "express" yourself - Children's Mental Health Week - Thank you for supporting us!

Reading and class treat and PE

 Reading is an important part of your child's learning. It allows them to apply the phonics and spelling rules that have been taught and helps with their ideas for writing.

I have noticed over the past few weeks that not all children have been listened to when it comes to reading. Could I please ask that you hear your child read 3 times a week wherever possible. If your child would prefer to read a book other than the book band one they have been given, please record this. If your child does phonics,  they will be given a book linked to the sounds taught that week, it is important that this book is shared in order to fully grasp the sounds taught.


Class treat.

We have achieved our 100 ticket target and the children have chosen to bring in a small teddy bear this Friday(26th). It needs to be small enough to sit on their desk without getting in the way of their work.


PE: This happens on a Monday and Wednesday as outlined back in September unless your child is told otherwise.


Many thanks.

Mrs Male

Curriculum 2023 - 24

Happy New Year Class 2 !

I am looking forward to seeing you all again on Monday morning!

PE is still happening on a Monday-this half term you will be doing basketball. Make sure you come in PE kit on Monday- be prepared to be outside if the weather is dry, so ensure you have appropriate kit.

Parents- I am attaching the plan for this term-there may be some changes depending on activities that are booked in school or themed activities.

Please remember reading books, bottles and ensure that all items are clearly named.

See you on Monday 8th January 2024!

Mrs Male



Please send your child with party clothes to get changed into for our afternoon party and also send in an 'afternoon tea', for them to enjoy. ( a sandwich with a snack sort of thing ) . They will still need their drinks bottles.

Many thanks

Mrs Male

Ho! Ho! Ho!

We have made it to the last week of term! We have been very busy since September and are certainly ready for the holidays!

This week there is still plenty to do, but there are things to look forward to.

Tuesday 19th: Christmas Lunch: wear a festive accessory.

Wednesday 20th: Christmas Crafts for Class 1 and 2.

Friday 22nd: Carols around the tree and Christmas jumper day.


I hope that you all have a wonderful break with family and friends and that you are able to reflect on that day when a tiny baby, born in a stable changed the world.


Mrs Male

Wednesday 22nd November- children do not need PE kit as we have the Rosie May Foundation in all afternoon.

Welcome back Class 2!

It has been lovely to see you all back and ready to learn. All routines have been remembered too.

It is another very busy half term. We will soon be thinking about our Nativity performance which will take place on 13th December and you have all had a letter about Christmas lunch ( this needs to be returned by Friday 17th November, as we have to allow plenty of time to order food for different dietary requirements).

Our topic in History is To Market,To Market, where we will be looking at how the high street and shops have changed over time. For Art, we are doing a unit called Earth Art, where we will be using natural materials. Can your child please bring in a clean, reasonable size stone/pebble by Monday 13th November , thank you!

We have started our new text this week, where we have been alerted to a wolf being seen in the area. We have searched around school , and it has not been spotted as yet ...

PE days remain the same- Monday and Wednesday. Mr Dhillon will try to take the children outside if the weather is dry, so please ensure that they have suitable PE kit for outside on a Monday. Wednesday will be inside. with myself.


Please can I encourage you to keep logging onto  Lexia,Numbots and Time Table Rock Stars and to read regularly with your child, making a note of this in their reading diary.


Any important announcements will appear on here or via the app, so please keep looking out for these.


Kind regards

Mrs Male

What  a half term!

It is hard to believe that it is half term! Your children have worked so hard!

Over half term, please continue to read. There is a TimesTables Rockstars House  challenge over half term, so please try and practise those tables if you can. Also , Lexia is available too. If you could continue to practise number bonds to 10, that would also be fantastic!

Remember, the 6th November is and INSET day, so we look forward to seeing you on 7th November.

Mrs Male

Class 2 Fire Engines Candyfloss and Play Doh!

We have had a busy couple of weeks with a visit from the Fire Engine and starting our work about farms. Enjoy the photos that have been taken !


Class 2-ish...!

The boys have made an amazing sticklebricks fairground ride!

Another week has flown by!

How can we just about be in October? What a quick month! We have settled into routines really well and the children are enjoying the activities.

We are looking forward to seeing you later at Harvest.

Now it is starting to get a bit chillier,please send a coat incase of cold or showers.

Mrs Male

Look - cress and coriander are growing ! ( chives are not co-operating !)

Part whole models using base 10 equipment

19th September

We are enjoying our text Where the Wild Things are. In Science , some of our seeds have grown and others not!

Can I remind you about reading regularly with your child. Could you also access numbots at least once a week at home and Lexia twice a week, this would really help in securing knowledge.

Many thanks

Mrs Male

12th September.

We are really getting in the swing of things this week and are starting to find out more about the book we will be doing in English, as well as looking at Place Value in Maths. We have planted some seeds in Science today , to see how they will grow. Tomorrow is PE, so please come in PE kits.

Can I remind you to make sure reading books are in school as I am hearing readers now and a few have left their books at home.

Many thanks

Mrs Male

11th September 2023


Monday afternoons have a different feel with PSHE starting this academic year.


This week we talked about who our trusted adults are and why they are important at keeping us safe.    Children have drawn around the own hand and placed the names of the people "trusted" on it.   These will be made into displays in the classroom.


Next week we will start to explore Zones of Regulation which is a long term project to help children self regulate at times of heightened emotions.


Mrs George 


Friday 8th September

What a great 3 days we have had this week. We have settled well, got our reading books and know our routines!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Male

Thursday 7th

Another great day! We are settling in well and getting used to Wonderful Walking and Legendary Line ups!

We have been talking about fairgrounds and the different rides and have had a go at making some. We have been in the calm area and enjoying the role play.

Thursday fun!

We have had a fantastic first day! Let's see what tomorrow brings! Remember hats and suncream !

We are ready ! See you tomorrow!

Timetable 2023-2024

This is the new timetable as it stands. Sometimes there may be changes to adapt to any events that happen that do not have a regular slot.

It's nearly time...

The classroom has been tidied and rearranged, books named and new things purchased. I am almost ready but need you to join me next Wednesday! It will be wonderful to see you all again and hear what you have been doing .

Ready for next week, could you bring in something special from your holidays with some information about why you have chosen it and the holiday memories you have about it.

See you next week!

Mrs Male


As part of raffle ticket prizes, Your child may come in non school uniform and also bring in a snack to enjoy during the day!

Good Morning!

if you have any small boxes (cereal packets ideally) could you pop them in please? We are doing work about axles and chassis in D&T and we have very few!!

Many thanks

Mrs Male

Welcome meeting Year 2

Thank you to those who were able to attend this morning.

For those who were unable to, the powerpoint is now on the page.

Many thanks

Mrs Male

Class 2 Welcome Meeting

It is always tricky trying to find time to talk with teachers at an appropriate moment, especially when the matter is sensitive.  The morning is a pressure point, as they are busy settling and teaching their class, and at home time you often have an audience of children and other parents!


It is best to make an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher about anything substantial, send an email for minor messages, or pass them on via the office or the staff member on door duty.


Class 2 - Year 1/2 - Mrs Male –



Long Term Plan 2022 - 23


Can I please remind you to apply sun cream, when needed, prior to coming to school, rather than sending the bottle in. We have had some children who have been messing with other's sun cream. The reason I say this is that some children might develop a rash from using certain types of sun cream. Thank you for your help, as always.

Mrs Male

Sunshine and warmth!

The sun has got its hat on.. hip hip hip hooray ...

Can I remind you to send your child with suncream already applied for the warmer, sunnier days and also ensure that your child brings their bottle everyday. Also a sun hat would be beneficial too ! ( make sure it is named please.)


Mrs Male

5.5.23 Class 1 and 2’s Coronation Party

Friday 5th May

We are looking forward to our party and seeing you at our assembly later.

Just to let you know, I have put a couple of activities on Purple Mash for the children to do about transport.


Mrs Male

Good morning!!

Our assembly is at 2.30pm this Friday! (Not 2.45pm!)


What's happening in Class 2 this week (W/b 1.5.23).


We will be doing Coronation themed activities in the afternoons this week.


Remember 1st May is a Bank Holiday!

2nd May- Can Y1 remember their spelling sheets please as we will do Have a Go.

Wednesday- Please remember to be in PE kit.

Thursday- Please remember to be in PE kit.

Friday- Can children come in party clothes or in red, white and blue clothes as we will be joining with children in Class 1 for a street party!

ALSO: It is Class 2's sharing assembly at 2.45pm to which all class 2 parents are invited! We will be sharing some of the work we have been doing recently.


Don't forget we have another Bank Holiday on 8th May too!


If you have any questions please email me


Mrs Male

27th April

Good morning !!

Mrs Male is asking for donations!

If you have any toy cars, trains or anything transport related that you no longer need, there is a home for them in Class 2!

They would really help with our transport theme this term as well as small world play!

Many thanks

Mrs Male

19th April

Hello and welcome back !

We hope you had a great holiday.

A minor change this term. PE is now on Wednesday and Thursday for all of the summer term, with immediate effect.


Mrs Male

10th March

Hello! It's hard to believe that we are about to enter the 4th week of this half term- it's certainly been a very busy one!

I am about to assign e-books for year 1. Can I ask that all Y1 children bring their spelling sheets in every Monday. This has worked so well with Y2 and we can see that their practice is paying off!

If any of you have old story CD's that you no longer use, these would be great for our CD player in the reading area!

A BIG plea... we have had items of clothing go missing, especially on PE days! Can you please make sure that clothing is clearly named. I currently have 1 cardigan and 2 unnamed sweatshirts sitting in the classroom. If your child has picked up someone else's clothes by mistake, please send them back!

Kind regards.

Mrs Male 

10th February

Hello everyone! We are all looking froward to a break at half term! The children have worked so hard !

After half term, could Y2 children bring in their Have a Go sheets every Friday please? If these get lost during the week, please ask for a replacement so that the children are able to continue to learn their spellings.

Many thanks

Mrs Male and Mrs Lark

7th February

As part of earning more raffle tickets, class 2 have voted to bring a snack to have whilst working on Friday. This should be for your child only and not to share. Please bear in mind that we are a Healthy School, so suitable snacks only please.

Mrs Male

3rd February

Hello! As part of their Raffle ticket reward,Class 2 have voted to bring in a cuddly toy on Monday 6th February.

Mrs Male

23rd January 2023

Hello everyone!

I have been allocating Ebooks to Y1 for the past 2 weeks, from my records, these haven't been read. I normally allocated Friday-Friday.

Also for the whole class, there are some 2Dos on Purple Mash, these should be completed by 20th February.

Finally, a reminder that PE is happening on a Monday and Tuesday this week and next week, as outlined earlier by Mrs Brown.


Mrs Male

Fluency facts!

Yesterday, I sent the children home with number bond facts to 10, on 3 different levels, bronze, silver and gold.

As children progress through the school, they are encouraged to become more fluent in number bonds, times tables and other rapid recall number facts.

Each day, your child will see how many of the facts they are able to complete in a set time. Eventually, they will become quicker at completing these until they are able to complete all the levels during the allotted time. I have told them not to panic about how many they manage to do! The idea is, that with practise, they become fluent and quicker at completing ! Please go through their facts as often as possible to help with their retention. The facts will change depending on the maths focus, but they will always be ones that require rapid recall .

The children were more than happy when I explained what we were doing, so please do not worry!

Kind regards,

Mrs Male

Welcome back Class 2!

Happy 2023!

I really hope that you had a lovely time with friends and family.

This term we are focusing on two Intrepid Explorers, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. Our role play will have a variety of explorer items, but if you have any old rucksacks or maps, please bring these in!

There will be a slight change for year 2's who will now be doing Sounds and Syllables rather than phonics, the former being what they will continue to follow as they go through school.

Please remember that PE is on a Monday and Wednesday, and ensure that clothing is named, as we still have items that are not named coming into school!

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday .

Mrs Male

Last day activities!

I have said to the children that they can bring in games for the last day! Make sure they are named and are not electrical please!

Could you also send your child in with a carrier bag so we are able to send home various pieces of work.

Many Thanks

Mrs Male

Touching base!

Hello everyone! This term has been a journey for us all this year. We have achieved so much.

I want to say how proud I am of your children and how they have coped with the changes that we have made. I understand how tricky the transition has been for the younger children, and how tired they have been.

To this end, we have reflected on our classroom time and are implementing an afternoon break of 10 minutes in class 2 and also golden time on a Friday afternoon. We still have a jam packed curriculum to fit in, but we know how vital it is for your children to have this time too.

We still have a very busy two weeks before the end of term, which includes our Nativity, Christmas lunch and Carols around the tree.

We will push through right to the end, but if your child shows signs of illness, please look at the message that Mrs Brown sent out yesterday (5th December). 

Kind regards

Mrs Male

Mrs Chuzzlewick Teaches Class 2

Still image for this video

Victorian Day Update!

On Friday, could your child please come in with 1p to "pay for their education".

Could you also give your child a Victorian name and have this on a label. Thanking you in anticipation!

Mrs Male

Paul Klee Portraits

Have children always been treated fairly?

Victorian Day. **FRIDAY 25TH NOVEMBER**

Hello everyone!

We have finally set a date for the end of November for our Immersive Victorian Day.

If children can come dressed up (please do not spend money on this, there are plenty of options-boys tucking in socks to trousers and where a white shirt-girls a long skirt, white top and apron), that would be great!

Hope that this is ok and that your children are looking forward to this.


I have set purple mash homework based on comparing old and new toys. Please let your child log in using the details they have and look under 2Do's.There is a time limit on this and it runs from this coming Friday until the first Friday of December.


Mrs Male

Jumpers and cardigans!


Please make sure that these are named! We have had quite a few now that have gone missing, some of which are brand new. Also, please check that your child has not picked up somebody elses.

Children are still not bringing coats. It's getting chilly now, so please send your children with coats.

Many thanks.

Mrs Male



Now the weather has changed, please could you remember to send your child in with a coat.

Many thanks.
Mrs Male


Just to let you know that I have a desk...

Also, we are arranging a Victorians day in November where your child is welcome to come dressed as a Victorian schoolchild, I will confirm the date as soon as we are back next week!

Enjoy the last few days of the holiday!

Mrs Male


I hope that you are having a good half term break !

Does anyone have an old style lift up desk that we could borrow for our role play area?

If you do, please email me at

Many thanks.

Mrs Male

Colder weather.

Now that Autumn is upon us, can I take this opportunity to remind you all that all children should bring a coat with them each day. It can be quite chilly at morning playtime still.

Many thanks.

Mrs Male  

Parachute Games in PE

The children are finding out about how classrooms have changed over time. They have practiced looking miserable like the children in 1932!



Hello everyone

A reminder for those who were unable to attend the Phonics presentation last week, that the powerpoint is in the English section of Curriculum as part of Academic Excellence.

Many thanks.

Mrs Male

A few reminders...

Now we are nearly at half term, I felt that I would just send a few reminders.

PE days are Monday and Wednesday- please send your child in the correct PE clothing.

Remember to name all uniform- we have had quite a few items left in the classroom with no names.

Please send a named drinks bottle with your child each day.

Remember to look on the Oxford Owl site to access the e-books that are sent out each week.

Your child is aware of their book day. We will check to see if books have been read and/or need changing on this day. Please record when your child has read in their diaries, or the books do not get changed.

We read each day as part of our phonics, so we are aware of reading abilities. Your child is sent with a banded book and the e-book is linked to consolidate the learning of phonics during the week.

Hope this helps.


Mrs Male

Spellings and reading books.

Sorry not to be with the class today- I have succumbed to the nasty bug that is going around. However, I thought I would update you regarding spellings and reading books.

I will be sending spellings out on Monday's. This may be linked to phonics or other areas of the curriculum-the ones I am sending out this coming Monday will be numbers as words.

Your child has been given a reading day, but if all books could come in each day, that helps. Your child currently has a book banded book. This will be supplemented by an E- book from our new phonics scheme, which will consolidate the weeks teaching. Please bear with me on this as I am aware that some of these might not be as challenging, but are to re-inforce/consolidate, hence why they will still have a banded book to match their reading ability. I am aiming to send ebooks out every Friday, which can be accessed via oxford owl with the logins we have provided your child. Please aim to read these books up to 4 times during the allotted time frame.

PE is Monday's and Wednesday's.

School individual photos are on 29th September.

Harvest 30th September 2pm in church( see link from Mrs Brown ).

Have a good weekend. I hope that you all manage to stay well!

Mrs Male

Class 2 Timetable Autumn 2022

Welcome back!

It's been a very exciting holiday! Thank you to those who came to Bottesford church to see me get married and thank you to those who very kindly bought me a John Lewis voucher- we have been looking for a variety of things to spend our vouchers on, so this is really appreciated

The classroom is ready for your return. It looks different but it looks great. I have spent lots of time sorting things and moving things and really hope that you will like it ! Each of you has your own place to sit in- the classroom even feels bigger too!

We will be setting up new routines and recapping knowledge from before the holidays during the first week. There is a bit of change but I know you will all adapt brilliantly!

We are starting a new phonics programme that has lots of lovely new books. I am putting more information under the English section on the curriculum page that will explain this.

Our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday normally and you will be able to come in PE kit on those days. On the first day though, (5th) please come in normal school uniform.

I look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning from 8.40am .


Mrs Male
