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Langar Church of England Primary School

Awards Assembly

We have had a wonderful afternoon, celebrating the achievements of children in school who have been recognised by members of staff as standing out against their peers. Following a fun active week, we also revealed the winning house of the year. 


Congratulations to all pupils in our school. You have shown cheer, resilience and calm in the midst of change and uncertainty this year. 


Special congratulations to the children who were nominated and received awards: 


English Cup   - Outstanding ability   -  Laurie Carter-Davies nominated by Mr Owen-Jones.  I love reading (listening) to Laurie’s writing.  Laurie has his own style.  What an author!


Maths Cup  -  E.E. Barry Outstanding ability  - Sophie Prescott nominated by Mr Owen-Jones.  Sophie has an amazing understanding of number!    Sophie can manipulate calculations for fun, and she does!


Sports Trophy   - Effort and school representation  - Sam Bloor nominated by Mr Owen-Jones and Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for all round sporting achievements and leadership.


Art Award - Colston Bassett Trophy  - Ben Lucas nominated by Mr Owen-Jones.  Lowry work and every piece of art is amazing.


Science Lamp  - Vic Lloyd   - Lexx Wright nominated by Mr Owen-Jones. Nominated for his love of facts!!!


Music Cup  -  K.M.Crowe -  Connie Murray nominated by Mrs Whelan (resilience and determination)


Geographical Plate - Donated annually N.Allen – environmental issues/ contribution to school - Harrison Croston

Nominated by Mr Owen-Jones and Mrs George for his knowledge and research of North America during his time in the key worker group. (Jamaica- Alaska)


Environmental Shield  - Abiding interest - Cecily Paine nominated by Mrs George for her enthusiasm and inspiring others to enjoy everything outdoors.


Solly Cup - Continual all round effort / most progress -  FelicitySurguy nominated by Mr Owen-Jones.  Nominated for working so hard in all areas, especially spelling this year.


Lucy Salmon Shield -  Infant – personal qualities / leadership            Annie Crowder Nominated by Mrs Turner for growing in confidence from being nervous about school to being eager, excited and loving school.  She has shown a new maturity and can be trusted with any responsibility.


Plowright Cup - Year 5 - personal qualities/ leadership- Mollie Crowder nominated by Mr Owen-Jones.  Superstar.  Leads by example in all curriculum areas.  A role model for year 4.


Technology Cup-  Sonny Turner nominated by Mr Owen-Jones.  Sonny’s fantastic animations!!!


History Cup - Eleanor Halsall nominated by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson her explorative skills and factfinding flare coupled with her ability to retain information has proved to be incredibly important in further developing her historical skills and aiding those around her.


IT Cup  - Edwin Nelken nominated by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for his knowledge and ability to support others who are finding the task difficult.


Hillary Award -  Mr Hillary – past Head Teacher – an award for going over and above in their endeavours Cate Swallow nominated by Mrs Brown.


French Cup - Lilly Flint nominated by Mrs Lark for her enthusiasm in lessons, confidence to ‘have a go’ and willingness to apply her prior knowledge to be a ‘language detective’ working out unfamiliar content.


Thomas Grice Memorial Award Foundation Stage given in memory of boy who tragically died 14, April 1994 for qualities similar to Thomas’ kindness, consideration, care for others.  William Parker nominated by Mrs Richardson, and Mrs Petchell for his kindness towards other children and adults.  For always being helpful and thoughtful and solving problems to ensure children feel happy. Whenever something needs to be done, William is the first to volunteer and say "I can do that!"  He is an all round superstar and we are very proud of him.


Cadbury House won Active Week with 4974 points! 

