English Cup Outstanding ability Peyton Tuffey
Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones. Peyton loves to read and has transferred her passion into her writing.
Maths Cup E.E. Barry Outstanding ability Florence Scanlan
Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones. Florence has overcome some personal mental blocks this year and flourished. Florence worked hard at fluency facts and made notes in lessons to help herself progress.
Sports Trophy Effort and school representation
Alicia Craig
Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for her leadership, attitude and commitment towards the development of school sport and healthy lifestyles, as well as her own personal performance across a wide range of sports.
Art Award Colston Bassett Trophy Charlie Litchfield
Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones. Charlie loves to draw and create. Charlie spends hours perfecting pieces of work and always puts his own style to anything he does.
Science Lamp Vic Lloyd Lilly Watt
Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for showing an enthusiastic and inquisitive attitude towards the steps of pollination and the process of the digestive system.
Music Cup K.M.Crowe Martha Stevens
Proposed by Mrs Whelan for her resilience and determination to practice and perform.
Geographical Plate Donated annually N.Allen – environmental issues/ contribution to school
Reece Oldham
Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson for his retention of knowledge and the ability tot deliver it to his senior peers.
Environmental Shield Abiding interest
Matilda Nicholson-White
Proposed by Mrs George for always applying herself 100% in every Outdoor Learning lesson. Matilda has produced some stunning creative designs using natural resources and has been a fantastic role model to children in the younger years.
Solly Cup Continual all round effort / most progress Katie Armstrong
Proposed by Mr Owen Jones. Katie doesn’t find everything easy and where some would give up, she redoubles her efforts. She is amazing!
Lucy Salmon Shield KS1 – personal qualities leadership
India Johnson
Proposed by Mrs Turner for endeavouring to work hard and be responsible with her role as Personal Assistant.
Plowright Cup Year 5 - personal qualities/ leadership Immy Litchfield
Proposed by Mrs Nicolson. Immy’s confidence has improved significantly throughout the year. Immy’s resilience and problem solving skills have been outstanding and she has demonstration exceptional leadership skills.
Technology Cup Jack Roberts
Proposed by Mrs Petchell for a continued positive attitude with a willingness to try things at all times.
History Cup Sophie Morris
Proposed by Mr Zisaruk-Gibson and Mrs George for her engagement and research leading up to the court case and the Galleries of Justice.
IT Cup Morgan Mazers
Proposed by Mr Owen-Jones for animations during lockdown.
Hillary Award - an award for going over and above in their endeavours (donated by Mr Hillary past headteacher)
Helena Murray
Proposed by Mrs Brown. Helena came to us from a different school but as she leaves us she has become the epitome of a Langar child who lives the Trinity each day. We couldn’t be more proud of the girl she is as she goes on to represent us at secondary school.
French Cup Maisie Finch
Proposed by Mrs Lark for always being enthusiastic about learning French and being prepared to use what she has learned to ‘have a go’ at speaking and writing in French.
Thomas Grice Memorial Award - Kunmi Modupe
Foundation Stage Donated annually by R. Whitehead (but doesn’t want his name associated with it) given in memory of boy who tragically died 14, April 1994 for qualities similar to Thomas’ kindness, consideration, care for others.
Proposed by Mrs Richardson and Mrs Petchell – for always being kind and considerate to all her friends with a big smile on her face!