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Langar Church of England Primary School

Barnstone Park

I have received an update from Stephanie Walker about the developments at Barnstone Play Park. Phase 1 has been completed and phase 2 is about to begin as soon as funds have been secured or raised. 


Steph said, 


" The cost of Phase 2 is £7494.00 we have managed to raise as of today £4568.00. Amount outstanding £2926.00.

If we can purchase this before the end of the Financial year, the ESP costs remain the same but will increase on 1st April 2021. We have applied for a small lottery loan to cover phase 3, but that won’t come in time to help with phase 2! (assuming we get it).


We are getting close, just not quite there yet, we had set up a just giving page (although this had only suggested we needed £200) !"


If you feel you can make a contribution, every little helps. If you know of an innovative or effective way to fundraise for this then please get in touch with Stephanie Walker or the Parish Council. 
