We are really looking forward to the Christingle Carol Service tomorrow. We decided to add the Christingle element when we set out all the events and celebration dates at the start of the year as some parents had spoken of their happy memories of this service when they were at school! We hope it brings back lovely memories.
Unlike in years gone by, we have many more health and safety restrictions to adhere to and so the Christingles will be displayed at the front of church rather than carried and lit whilst children hold them. A parent recollected a story of burning a girl's long plait who was stood in front of her when she was in primary school! A scenario we are avoiding!!
I have heard from a parent this morning that some parents have been worrying about not having time to make a Christingle. As previously stated, there is no requirement to make and bring one. The Christingles are to remind children of the meaning of Christmas and to add atmosphere to the service.
We would be delighted if you could join us. The Worship Leaders are leading the whole service, classes 1 and 2 will sing one of their songs form the nativity and we will sing some well known carols.