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Langar Church of England Primary School

Christmas Events

We are tentatively pressing ahead with all the planned Christmas events next week although with the high levels of absence we have today we would be 12 children short for the nativity! 


I thought you would appreciate some reminders and updates about these:


Monday 12th December

Classes 1 and 2 will be having a dress rehearsal in church. The rest of school will watch and this will be filmed for the website. 


Tuesday 13th December

10.00 - Class 1 and 2 nativity performance in church. This is a ticketed event to ensure fire regulations are met. Anyone without a ticket will not be permitted to come in. 


Christmas dinner. Children are invited to bring/wear a Christmas accessory with their school uniform, such as a headdress, tinsel, a hat etc. 


Thursday 15th December

At no cost to parents, the children will be watching an online pantomime 


Friday 16th December

2.00pm traditional carol service in church. Parents are invited and will be asked to return a slip so that we can ensure we do not exceed the numbers permitted for fire regs. 


3.30pm - Family Film Night


Monday 19th December

Year 6 Bikeability - details previously shared 


Tuesday 20th December

Year 6 Bikeability - details previously shared 


Wednesday 21st December 

9.15am Carols Round the Tree in the hall. This is a tradition of the school and consists of a festive sing along and performances from our talented musicians.

Children are invited to wear party clothes and/or Christmas jumpers for the final day of school 

