Thank you so much for your co-operation with our new drop off and collection timings. This has had an incredible impact as the children are not having to wait for their peers to arrive before starting lessons.
The plan is working well in school - with bubbles of children remaining separated all day whilst retaining the usual caring, warm atmosphere and a sense of normality through routines and high quality learning. Ensuring the bubbles stay more than 2m away from each other ensures that should a positive test result be issued this will close a bubble and not the whole school.
The staff were very saddened tonight at the realisation that our class bubbles - that we have worked so hard to keep separate have been compromised. At least eight families, and children from every class, were seen tonight socialising on the field, climbing frame and MUGA. Children were in close contact with each other, key stage 1 children and key stage 2 children were on the large climbing frame (which is only used by classes 3 and 4 on rotation) and more than six were in a group.
We appreciate that you have been through difficult times and that you have made many sacrifices. Sadly the hard work is not over yet. Please remain thoughtful, and respect the government laws as well as the expectations of our school community - as outlined on the home/school agreement.