We sincerely hope you are finding a bit of a routine now and are enjoying the contact we are keeping with you and tasks we are setting.
When in school a huge part of the role we undertake is a pastoral one - ensuring the well-being and safety of children. Our relationships with you are central to that role and the partnership we have with you is one we treasure. Now that we have been enabling home learning for a week, we feel the next step is to secure contact with you and your children to facilitate this role.
Teachers are able to see that children are engaging in online activities through an activity log on both Times Table Rock Stars and Purple Mash, and children's contributions to class blogs are insightful but it is more difficult to measure success or engagement in 'offline' activities. A number of parents have already utilised the class email systems we have set up - using it to share work and projects the children have completed and to ask questions about the tasks set. We have been grateful for the respectful way in which this has been done, as it was stipulated from the outset that the purpose of these email addresses was quite specific and said that staff would not respond to emails that fall outside of their purpose or, more importantly professional boundaries. This has made interacting with these email accounts very manageable and staff feel that they can now be further utilised.
We would like you to use the email accounts to check in with the class teacher on a weekly basis. You can share your child's work, let the teacher know which activities they have enjoyed or what they have struggled with. In this way, staff can ensure contact is kept with you and gain an understanding of the learning being done. Staff will not read emails outside of the hours of 9.00am and 3.00pm, and will respond only when necessary and within their professional boundaries and remit.
If you wish to get in touch with the school regarding any other business, please email office@langar.notts.sch.uk. Please continue to check the school website (ideally via the app) as it is our main form of communication with you and the place where updates and information will be shared.
These are challenging times and many families are feeling under pressure, this can affect the safety and well-being of the children in it. If you have a safeguarding concern, or you are worried, please contact Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Hub (The MASH) on 0300 500 80 90. If you feel a child is in urgent need of help you should contact Nottinghamshire Police 999.
Please stay in touch and look after yourselves,
Mrs Brown