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Langar Church of England Primary School

Dogs Trust Workshops

The children have benefitted from an assembly and workshops from The Dogs Trust today. The focus of this was how to stay safe around dogs.


Alison, who delivered the workshops said, “I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Langar Primary School. Behaviour was exceptional throughout and the children were engaged, inquiring, and participated with interest and enthusiasm. A big thank you to the staff for making me feel so welcome and a part of the team for the day!”


In recent years the number of injuries and fatalities from dog attacks has increased and this is a danger children (and parents) must be aware of. 


'Dog attacks have risen significantly over the past decade, according to figures published by NHS Digital. The health service recorded 3,079 admissions for the treatment of dog bites in 1999, increasing almost threefold to 8,655 over the past year. Of these, 614 children under the age of four were bitten. However, those in their fifties were the most likely to have needed treatment last year, the data showing 713 incidents involving people aged 50 to 54 and 704 involving those aged 55 to 59.'


Alison has provided a link for a parent leaflet so that you can reinforce the messages at home: bedogsmart-parentsleaflet.pdf ( 





