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Langar Church of England Primary School

E-Safety Workshop


Thank you for your support

We recently held an O2 and NSPCC online safety workshop for parents and carers at our school. The hour-long workshop aimed to help parents and carers understand more about their child’s online world and build confidence to have conversations with them about it.


Whether you attended or planned to attend but couldn’t, your views are important. They help O2 and the NSPCC improve the experience and impact of the workshops for parents and carers joining them in the future. Please take a few minutes to complete a short online survey about your experience. The survey can be accessed here:

Don’t forget this isn’t the end of your online safety journey. Children need continual help learning how to navigate the risks and dangers online. Having regular conversations with your child is the most important way to help. And it’s never too early to start.


If you need any further support or guidance, check out the website pages and step-by step guides online, call the O2 and NSPCC Online Safety Helpline on 0808 800 5002, or pop into your local O2 store for help from a Guru.


We’re committed to providing a comprehensive service to help keep children safe. Please visit to find out more about our work and how you could be involved in supporting us. Thank you so much for your support.

