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Langar Church of England Primary School

End of the Year

I am absolutely gutted to be spending the last day of the year at home, poorly with Covid! 


It has been an incredible year and the statutory test outcomes I am sharing with you are testimony the culture we have at Langar Church of England Primary School.


Back in September the staff and I made a very conscious decision that the most important thing was not to 'catch up' on learning as the widely publicised initiative suggested, but to create a curriculum that would make children feel safe, secure and stable; creating an environment in which they would feel supported and able to share their feelings and express themselves. It has been our long held belief here that it is only once this ground work is done that children can learn, thrive and achieve. 


The outcomes speak for themselves and demonstrate that this approach has worked. We thank you so much for your support on your child's learning journey.




I do hope the end of term has been a happy one. It will be tinged with sadness as we say goodbye to an incredible group of year 6 children and to Mr Zisaruk-Gibson. 


A blessing for all of them:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


God bless x


We look forward to welcoming the rest of you back at school on Monday 5th September (following two INSET days for staff). Have a safe and happy summer. 


