I have shared our end of year outcomes with you before, but we now have a greater understanding of the national picture and have much to celebrate here!
The two Covid lockdowns had a huge impact on children's learning. Nationally this has been seen in a dip in outcomes for the year 1 phonics check, key stage one and key stage 2 data. The percentage of children achieving the expected standard and higher standard has fallen across the board.
However, you must congratulate yourselves for the way in which you supported home-learning and I must acknowledge the work that staff put in both during that period and on the children's return to school. This has had an incredible impact on children and not only have we retained our 2019 outcomes but exceeded them!
Please take a look at how we compare to the national picture. These outcomes have placed us in the top 10% of schools in Nottinghamshire for key stage 2 outcomes.
Ofsted and Performance Data | Langar C of E Primary School (secure-primarysite.net)