Thank you to all the parents who have taken the time to read the copious amount of paperwork I have sent outlining the plans for your children's safe return to school. Each part of the plan has been carefully considered to ensure the least amount of contact between adults and adults, adults and children, children and children to prevent the spread of Covid - 19.
An important part of the plan is the drop off and collection points for each bubble. All year group bubbles have followed this part of the plan to the letter for which I am very grateful.
Can I remind the parents collecting children from the house bubble:
Ensure prompt arrival at the end of the session.
Do not loiter in a large group outside the school gate.
Adhere to 2m social distancing at all times.
Come into the playground where your child will be sent over to you.
Follow the one way system around the school building and exit through the school car park.
Although I appreciate this may seem tedious, all parts of the plan have been put together with the safety of your families and the wider Langar community at the heart of it.