We are going to be saying 'goodbyes' next week to Mrs Whelan and Mrs Sellars who are both leaving on 30th April.
Mrs Sellars has been a long time friend and champion of the school who supported her grandchildren through their journey here, taken the job of midday supervisor and put in hours of voluntary work before taking on the role of TA. Through her support and guidance children have flourished. She will be missed, but we will think of her on hot summer days enjoying her garden and spending time on her artwork.
Mrs Whelan has worked at the school for over 20 years! During that time she has dedicated her self to the community and children of Langar. She has seen so much change - some difficult and challenging and some exciting. She has navigated it all with grace and positivity.
Mrs Whelan has played such a vital role in school. From managing the budget, welcoming visitors, overseeing health and safety, igniting a passion for music in children and so much more. Her tight financial management has averted the financial crisis that so many other schools currently find themselves in. Her eye for detail has meant we have often been ahead of the curve, making cuts and changes to ensure we have remained able to provide a consistent and high quality education for the children.
One of Mrs Whelan's lasting legacies are the very high number of children we have always had here who play an instrument. The provision of free recorder lessons from her has often been their first step to going on to play an orchestral instrument. We are extremely pleased that she would like to continue this, and children will be able to have a recorder lesson with her on Tuesday afternoons for the foreseeable future.
We know that you will be keen to express your thoughts and feelings about these two wonderful women and welcome any cards or presents you wish to give them. They have both asked that fuss is kept to a minimum but we cannot let their service to the school go unacknowledged.