A huge 'thank you' to the Friends, with special mention to Stacey Tuffey who did so much in preparation and during the Bunny Hop Disco and Easter Raffle. Through their efforts, £533 was made for School Fund which will contribute an amazing amount towards the class set of I Pads we hope to buy in September.
Just as a reminder; since 2019, following an ill attended AGM, a natural evolution of the PTA took place and we formed the Friends of Langar Church of England Primary School. As a parent, carer or family member of a child in school, you are automatically a member this group.
The next event is going to be a summer fair. We do not have a date for this, as the idea is being driven by some of our dedicated Friends of the School. Watch this space as a working party will be out together to make this an exciting and successful occasion.