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Langar Church of England Primary School

KS1 - Magical Maths

There was mind-reading, fun & games from a certain wizard called Potter, and our 'Maths Cauldron' game this week...

This week was another cracking week of magical maths. In fact, this week was PARTICULARLY magical, as we had a guest appearance from our very own Mathemagician. He had an amazinggg time with the children, and taught them some really exciting stuff!

Maths WHIZZards

The second activity this week feature some super fun 'maths showdowns' in our Maths WHIZZards game (based on a scene from a famous film about young whizzards!). 

Children had to test their speed in this game. 

This game helps children with a variety of important areas, including recalling and using addition/subtraction facts up to 100 and telling and writing important times on a clock face. We eventually whittled down to the winning teams, who were very pleased. Well done guys!

Magic Cauldron

This activity is a great one. It's called the 'Magic Cauldron' and really helps students with the speed of their sums. 

They have to pick a card and select another card with the correct answer on. There will be a magic ingredient on the back, which they must add to their cauldron to make a secret potion!

The first to get all the ingredients wins the game! (AND has their very own magic potion...double cool!)


Time Bomb

A great game for teaching number patterns and basic times tables. The children stand in a circle and must say either 1, 2 or 3 consecutive numbers in a sequence that we give them. The next child then continues on from there, and so on, and so on. When one child reaches the last number in the sequence, they must make a big (pretend) explosion and sit down. We continue until we're left with a champion. We also played this game with times tables! The Mathemagician was very impressed with their little apprentices. 
