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Langar Church of England Primary School

KS2 Magical Maths News

This week was magical with games, fun & stand up bingo...

Yes the Mathemagician was here again for another fun packed week of magical maths. The Mathemagician enjoyed being creative and playing magical games with the children!

The Magician Booklet

Learning objectives: The 11x table trick teaches children to multiply any 2-digit number by 11. By year 3, pupils should be able to solve missing number problems, and by year 6, pupils should be able to use simple formulae, and express missing number problems algebraically.


This booklet will train them how to perform some of the Mathemagian's maths tricks. It features some timeless classics such as “The 11x table trick” and a couple of “Magic Square” tricks.

All students were given a booklet to take home. I'm sure they will show you the tricks tomorrow! :) 

Addition Dice

Learning objectives: addition, subtraction, and place value to 4-digits.


The second activity this week features our Magical Addition Dice. 

Speed of calculation is of the essence in this game.

The children learned how to add five randomly-chosen three digit numbers in seconds. WOWZA! :D 

Stand up Bingo

Learning objectives: Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12.

The children work together as a team and use their multiplication skills to play this game.  They throw dice and teams take turns to multiply the numbers on the dice.  If resulting number is on their grid a child sits down.  The game continues until all of the children in one of the teams are sitting down.  This team is the winning team. Hoooray!

A magical week that's for certain, please let us know what you thought, we love to hear from you and we do read all emails.

P.S. - Next week we have a visit from the Olympic Mathletes to do some sports and games. No P.E kit necessary, but an Olympian attitude DEFINITELY is!
