You may not realise it, but not every school is like Langar! The Local Authority and Diocese have recognised this in the past and asked us to share good practice with other schools. This has mainly centred around our curriculum approach - teaching the whole child through our school trinity model.
This week I was contacted by Liz Kitts, Education Improvement Advisor at the LA, praising us for our website and in particular the Parent Support page. The presence of this on a school website is not common practice and she wanted to promote the use of the materials we’ve shared and provided with other schools in the authority. I was asked to write a short article about what we have put together on the Parent Support page to be published in the Hands Up Nottinghamshire magazine.
I am thrilled to share this with you and proud to say that other head teachers have been in touch asking if they can use resources and ideas from there. I do hope you find the pages useful as it is you that we have created them for.