Like the staff and me, you will be in shock, digesting the latest announcement from the Prime Minister. Although we have anticipated bubbles closing and reverting to home learning, we hadn’t expected to do so with such little notice.
I am sure you will sympathise that we were not ready for this, and are not in a position for it to be in place by tomorrow morning. Staff will be in school tomorrow preparing home learning, and organising provision for the children of key workers and those classed as vulnerable.
By the end of tomorrow you will have a clear understanding of the way home learning will work and have received guidance and an application for key worker provision.
Although school will be closed to most children tomorrow, we would like to show fairness and thoughtfulness for those parents who are expected to work in a key role tomorrow and do not have a member of the household able to provide childcare. Our wonderful team of TAs will provide emergency childcare for families in this position. This will be in classroom bubbles and run during school hours. It is vital this is used as a last resort as numbers must be minimal and you must make your intention know by emailing ASAP.
We are saddened by this decision today and will do our very best to maintain the high quality of education your children are used to when in our school.
God bless.