Thank you so much for all your kindness and understanding this week. It has been challenging with so many poorly children and staff. As a consequence, rehearsing the nativity (with almost a third of children missing for part or all of the week) has been difficult and due to staff shortages, we have not been able to walk the children over to church to rehearse in the space.
We have therefore decided to perform the nativity in the school hall on Tuesday. This will take place at the slightly earlier time of 9.30am. If we have any willing volunteers to make a serve tea and coffee, we could invite you to come in a socialise before it begins.
Depending on levels of absence on Monday, we may have to do an adapted version of the story as some of the key parts have not had actors for them this week. It may not be the Oscar winning standard we are used to! When all children return to school, either before the end of term, or in January, we will still film a full performance of the nativity to put on the website and for you to enjoy at home. So we may win the Oscar yet!