It was lovely to welcome your children back to school today. And to see your smiling faces without masks!!
I just need to highlight a couple of reminders.
PE Uniform
We are continuing to ask children to come in PE kits on PE days. Some children have arrived today in PE kit that is not uniform and we will not accept this. PE clothing does not need to be branded items.
Indoor PE— A plain white (or yellow if you have purchased one with a logo) t-shirt
Shorts with plain black or navy blue tracksuit bottoms (if cold) and their school jumper over the top.
Trainers should be worn to school.
Plimsolls can be left in school in their PE bag to change in to.
Outdoor PE—as above but it is not necessary to wear shorts underneath.
We are aware that there are only seven weeks of school left before summer, and that you may be reluctant therefore to buy new school shoes or trainers. However, some of the footwear we have seen today is unsafe for your children, especially during PE or when active at playtime. Please ensure all footwear is fit for purpose and smart enough to be classed as uniform.
Personal Items
As we are still in a pandemic, our risk assessments and plan are still in place. This includes the suspension of children bringing unnecessary items from home - this includes toys and sweets or food for birthdays. This is for the safety and wellbeing of your children and the whole community.
As always, we thank you so much for your understanding, co-operation and support.